Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Mental Health Issue Depression and the use of herbacology (counsellors Assignment
Mental Health Issue Depression and the use of herbacology (counsellors role) - Assignment Example Medicating an individual for depression can sometimes get in the way of the individual performing normal, everyday duties. Often times, people report that it takes a few weeks at least to get used to their medication, whether herbal or traditional. The counselor must prepare the client for this prior to allowing him or her to take the medication. Preparation should help the patient know what lies ahead (Reynolds, 2001; Edzard, 2004). Therefore, it is important to prepare the patient for this (Firshein, 1997), and to allow the patient to feel comfortable enough to open up and explain his or her struggle while going through this problem. Effective listening should help to give the patient the support he or she needs to get through this stage. The counselor, therefore, needs to check in on the statement and lend an open ear during this time periods (Beckham, 1995; Forsell, 2007). Talking and more importantly, listening are an integral part of good communication skills. Paying attention, understanding verbal and non-verbal cues, being sensitive, and giving constructive feedback all form part of effective listening. This in turn helps form healthy interpersonal and social relationships. In our busy lives today, we may realize this, but seldom have the time and patience to allow the focus to move from our own selves.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Cystic Fibrosis: Molecular Mechanisms and Diagnosis
Cystic Fibrosis: Molecular Mechanisms and Diagnosis Cystic fibrosis is a membrane transport disorder which is commonly affected in the autosomal recessive disease of white populations. It is also identified at birth by a certain condition called meconium ileus which means intestinal obstruction. In the advance stages, clinically it has been diagnosed by sticky viscous secretion of the pancreas and lungs (Gelehrter, 1998). Many years of direct research has failed to recognise the specific gene which is involved in cystic fibrosis (CF), although there are some various indirect research done which has indicated that there appeared an abnormality in the transport of ions during the process of cell membrane development. A very common diagnosis has been used to recognise this disease which is high increase of chloride content in sweat. Children suffering from this disorder develop pancreatic insufficiency which is usually treated with enzyme supplementation, antibiotics and physical treatments which are used to reduce the chest infection. Earlier the survival average is about 25 years. (Gelehrter, 1990). But in a recent study, it has been said that the life expectancy for cystic fibrosis patients has increased over the last 40 years. It has been necessary to identify the respiratory viruses in Cf to make the clinical decision to proceed with the necessary treatment. (cited in Wat, 2008). It is said that one can calculate approximately the frequency of heterozygous carriers would be about 1 in 25 individuals. There are various research works done on cultured cells and animal models to further study on the basic defects of the disease and find a successive treatment. (Hodson, M.E., 1995). HISTORY: From centuries the study and research of Cystic fibrosis has been done. Earlier people started diagnosing this condition in the newborns due to the salty taste in their skin. The survival rate was so low as six months. But as years followed, during the 1930s, a scientist named Guido fanconi had described the symstoms as gastrointestinal symdrone but latter named it as cystic fibrosis. The research had advanced when the cystic fibrosis gene was discovered following the study of mendels law researched by Gregor Mendel. The genetic knowledge on this particular disease was made more improving which indirectly improved the survival ascepts of CF patients. By 1980s, a deeper understanding of human genetics were developed. In 1989, two researchers had isolated the damaged gene in causing CF which was the main cause in affecting the chloride channel function. These were the channels which were helping in the movement of water and salt in the cell walls. Further study on this is making it pos sible to understand and find a treatment for this genetic disease. In recent years, various study via Gene theraphy has been helping various researches to fix the damaged gene. If this particular gene is fixed, the possible prevention, treatment and cure of CF would become a (Giddings,2009) Basic molecular genetics of Cf: In the year 1985, several groups were experimenting on gene therapy by linkage analysis, a linkage was observed on the chromosome 7, which in turn proceeded with testing some of the markers on chromosome 7 where they found CF gene near to these markers (met and J3.11). Techniques like physical mapping showed that the distance between these markers was approximately 1.6 million bp, which is as large for approximately 50 genes. Various interesting research were made in which it was found that a vast majority of chromosomes carrying the Cystic fibrosis mutation were also carrying a particular alleles for XV-2c and KM-19 which was further named as allele for XV-2c and + allele for KM-19. This type of hapotype (-/+) showed approximately in 25% of normal chromosomes, whereas rest showed other different patterns. A term was defined for this type of disease gene associated with a allele with the nearby markers, which was named as Linkage Disequilibrim. This term was made used to understand that these CF mutated genes were being descended from a common ancester. (Gelehrter, 1998) In a recent research, a genetic analysis was conducted by carefully cloning of a 500,000 bp candidate which resulted in three possible genes from the specific region which was studied. In testing under northern blotting technique it was found that this specific gene was coding for a 1480- amino acid protein including 26 exons with a length of 250,000 bp of DNA and the mRNA transcript was found to be 6129 bp long. In further studying a cloned and sequenced cDNA was prepared using the sweat glands of a Cf patient, it was found that there was a difference in exon 10 from a normal sequenced gene. There was a deletion in the 3 -bp found which might have caused the deletion of a single amino acid (phenylalanine) at the specificresidue 508. (Gelehrter, 1990). This type of mutation is known as Delta F508 or F508. Patients with homologous delta F508 mutation will tend to suffer with severe symptons of this disease, causing a very heavy loss of chloride ion transport.This causes an improper balance in the sodium and chloride ion ratio, eventually secreting a thin, mucus secretion in the lung area which traps bacteria, this causes severe lung infection, resulting a high mortality rate in CF patients. CFTR gene: This gene was initially cloned in 1989 in which it was mapped to human chromosome 7q21, with more interest in this particular region, researches were able to indentify 2 more closely linked markers other than (labelled MET and D758) which were D75122 and D75340, those were 10 kb part. Using lambda genomic DNA libraries, 280 kb of DNA were sequenced which were used to make long range restriction maps. These were also probed with cDNA clones to isolate a total of 500 kb. This can be seen in the figure By using various approaches like screening zoo blots, northern blots and cDNA libraries the genomic DNA clone was isolated. Four different regions were isolated, out of that, only one proved to be CF gene which was 6.5 kb sequence in length. Eventually, it was concluded that the CF gene controls the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator) which encodes chloride channels which were responsible for the water transport on the plasma membrane of the epithelial cells which were connected to the lung airways. This mutation was causing the problem. Structure of the CFTR gene: After sequencing the CFTR gene, further study was done on it. The sequenced coding region of this gene showed a polypeptide molecular mass of 168138 daltons. The best site seen in this predicted protein was that it showed two repeated motifs, which showed some similarities to the nucleotide-binding domains (NBD) which is present in the membrane bounded protein. These membrane consisted in them six hydrophobic regions which composed 234 amino acids. Hydrophilic domains: These 2 hydrophilic domains contains approximately 150 amino acids in which some phenylalanine residue has been deleted at the region of the first NBD which shares similar homologies with the proteins which binds with the nucleotide. These two motifs are connected by a highly charged cytoplasmic domains referred as R- domain or regulatory domains. This domains encodes 13 exons that help in the phosphorylationby protein kinase K and rest helps in binding sites by protein kinase C. These domains and nucleotide binding folds in the binding sites suggest that hydrolysis is involved in the transportation of CFTR gene. CFTR Promoter: It was found out that CFTR gene had a addition promoter region with a size of 3.5 kb, later on, it led that these promoters showed the characteristics of housekeeping gene along with tissue specific functions. There were five reasons that were focused to show that the CFTR gene had these charactertics which were as follows: There were no TATA box element within the first 500 basepairs of the transcription sites. The GC content in the promoter region was high. There were addition multiple minor transcription sites identified along with the major transcription sites. Couple of SP1 sites were also identified. There was a very low expression of the CFTR gene found in the epithelium layer. Another conclusion was made that the CFTR gene might control transcription regulation. (prin mg, tho) Phenotypic function of the diseased gene: To understand the phenotype of the disease, it has been confirmed that an individual suffering must have two copies of a mutated Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene to be expressed. It has also been understood that the development of this disease in different individuals varies due to differential influence by environmental and genetic factors. This various different forms of other genes can affect the phenotypes of the mutated gene of this disease.Ã MUTATED GENE: As it been understood that the most common mutated gene found in most cystic fibrosis defective gene is the delta F508. A detailed study about this gene was done in which it was found that CFTR protein helps in encoding single amino acid at position 508 on the chromosome 7. As this mutation affects the CFTR to perform its work in the cell and prevents it from locating itself in the cell membrane. Usually it is seen that, a newly synthesized CFTR protein adds itself to the missing chemical group by folding itself into appropriate shape which are escorted by their specific molecular chaperons to the surface of the cell. Because of the presence of this mutated CFTR gene, the imperfect CFTR binds onto the cell membrane which has a defect while opening and closing during regulating the chloride ion flow within the cell membrane. There are different mutated genes, in which some do not this synthesis or any modification or integratation into the membrane of the cell. Sometimes, these mutated genes fail to even respond to the signals within the cell that are responsible for the opening and closing of chloride flow. In some cases, the CFTR protein enters the cell membrane and also responds to the cell membrane but there would show a problem when the channel opens and there is improper flow of chloride ion out of the cell. Different mutations vary with different patients, patients with absent or very low CFTR protein in its cell membrane would cause severe disease causing depleting pancreatic functions. There are patients which have delta F508 mutation on both CFTR gene copies, this causes very poor pancreatic function which would secret high amount of mucus causing varying degrees of infection in the lungs. Another CFTR mutation namely R117H also develops a partial functioning CFTR protein, this mutation pairs w ith the severe mutated gene delta F508 causing the CF disease severe but varying in lung disease. It has been seen that some men who have been detected with this particular mutated gene R117H shows only one symptom of CF that is being Infertile which is due to lack of vas deferens. Inheritence of the CF gene: Diagnosing cystic fibrosis In most cases, cystic fibrosis is diagnosed by screening tests, which are carried out very early in life. However, some babies, children and even young adults have some unexplained illness in future so they are diagnosed later. There are four main ways of diagnosing cystic fibrosis: newborn testing antenatal testing carrier testing sweat testing Newborn Screening: In newborn screening there are two tests the first one is blood test in which small amount of blood is taken from the babys heel and transferred onto the card and it is examined in the laboratory for CF and it is also test inherited conditions, such as sickle cell anaemia and phenylketonuria.. Another test is genetic test in which saliva sample taken from the cheek and check whether a newborn has faulty CFTR genes. Antenatal testing: This test is done during the womens pregnancy to know that fatus has CF or not. There are following Amniocentesis: in it inserts a needle through abdominal wall into the uterus and take amniotic fluid surrounds the baby and tested in the laboratory Chorionic villus sampling: In it needle passed through the stomach into the womb sometimes a fine tube passed through the vagina into the neck of the uterus as an alternative. And take chorionic tissue which is a tiny piece of the developing placenta and these chromosomes which are in the cells of the tissue are examined in the laboratory for CFTR genes are normal or not. Both tests have risk of complication and also chance for miscarriage so it is offered only those mothers who have high risk of having child with the CF. Carrier testing: People who have two CFTR genes one is normal and another is faulty are CF carriers. So carriers pass faulty CFTR genes on to their children. This is simple test which is uses mouthwash to make sure that person is a carrier of cystic fibrosis. Swishing the mouthwash to collect the cells. And these containing cells are checked for the faulty gene. Sweat test: If blood and genetic tests have positive sign for CF so for confirmation sweat test diagnosis using This test measure the amount of salt in sweat. For that in one treatment room small area of skin on an arm or leg tested. Rub this skin with sweat producing chemical and then produce gentle electrical current with help of electrode it gives warm feeling .collect sweat on a pad or paper for analze. High levels of salt confirm diagnosis of CF. (180,205) Immunoreactive Trypsinogn: This analysis is used after sweat test if little sweat measured in newborns. Blood samples are taken after 2-3 days of birth and examined for immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) which is the increased levels of pancreatic enzyme. If IRT level is high then also it is not strong indicator of CF. Because infants with intestinal malformations and condition as bowel obstruction also have high level of enzyme which is for function of impair pancreatic. Lung X-rays and function tests: In the tests measure the amount of air the lungs can hold and how fast a person can breathe out to show how lungs add oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood with the help of chest X-ray which show lung scarring from recurrent inflammation.This test do not confirm a diagnosis of CF but help in evaluating the severity of an individuals lung damage. Sinus X-ray: This test give signs of sinusitis, which indicates an infection and inflammation of nasal cavities. The X-ray shows the underlying cause becomes important for sinusitis. By cause of sinusitis is showing allergies and poorly functioning immune system. DNA mutation analysis: For highly specific result we used this technique for CF to look for the presence of many mutations in the CFTR gene. In it DNA isolated and purified from the blood sample or from a smear inside the cheek and for detect disease genes and indentify mutation within a specific DNA sequenced used micro array technology Sputum cultures: For this test, take a sample of your sputum (spit) to see what bacteria are growing in it. If there are bacteria called mucoid Pseudomonas, then it is advanced CF that needs aggressive treatment. (Giddings, 2009) TREATMENT In early years, there were no proper complete cure for cystic fibrosis . This has changed in recent years due to various researches done to treat CF which have been improved drastically. The aim for the treatment of cystic fibrosis are to Prevent infection in lungs,Remove the thick and sticky mucus from lungs, Prevent blockages in intestines and to Provide adequate nutrition.(http://www.nhlbi.nihHYPERLINK Treatment for lung problems: It is essential to begin the treatment by reducing the infection and removing the thick and sticky mucus from the lungs. This can be done by performing the following lung treatment methods. CHEST PHYSICAL THERAPHY (CPT): This theraphy is also called percussion. CPT include pounding the chest and back over and over with the hands and a device that reduce the mucus layer from the lungs. Breathing techniques are also helpful to remove mucus from lungs. This techniques involve forcing out of some short or deeper breaths and following with a relaxed breath. The major purpose of this therapy for CF is to increase clearance of mucus and control infection in the lung and also to provide adequate nutrition and prevent intestinal blockage. MEDICINES: This is the primary treatment for the cystic fibrosis. Using medicines it helps in treating lung infection, decreases the swelling ,reduces the mucus and also opens the airways. The following types are the antibiotics used for cystic fibrosis treatment: Oral antibiotics are use to treat the lung infection. Inhaled antibiotics are used to control the infection caused by the pseudomonas bacteria. Intravenous medicines are used for control the severe infection. Anti-inflammatory medicines used to reduce swelling in airways. Drugs or steroids such as azithromycin, ibuprofen, prednisone and pentoxifylline are used to reduce inflammation. For the treatment of bacterial infection various lung antibiotics such as nebcin, tobrex, ciprofloxin, myambutol, biaxin, azactam are used Exercise: Aerobic exercise can help to reduce and clear the mucus from the airways. Regular exercise also enables to cut back on the CPT. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is used to provide fertility for men with cystic fibrosis LUNG TRANSPLANTATION: Lung transplantion is a effective therapeutic option for the cystic-fibrosis patient. The successfully lung transplanted patients are able to control diabetic problems easily as the patients exercise capacity improves and the respiratory infection reduces.(Madden, 1992). In lung transplant ,the infected lung is replaced with a healthy lung by surgery. If CF is very advanced then lung transplantion is a good option. It is a major operation and sometimes also leads to some serious complications Oxygen Therapy: If oxygen level is very low in the blood then oxygen therapy is very effective( NUTRITIONAL TREATMENT: C.F causes many digestive problems such as slow growth, pain, intestinal gas and severe. Nutritional treatment can improve the growth, development and strength of patient. It involves a balanced diet with low fat and high protein which make strong the patient to resist aganist some infection ( It contain pancreatic enzymes to digest protein and fat and absorbance of various vitamins. Nutriational therapy also contain supplements of different vitamins. The other treatment for digestive problems is medications for the treatment of intestinal blockages ( GENE THERAPY: Gene therapy involve transfer of DNA for therapeutic purpose. For the treatment of cystic fibrosis two approaches have been used. In the first approach, adenovirus was used as a vector, it has the epithelial cell lining. In this approach, adenovirus type-2 late promoter drives the CFTR gene. In the second approach, positively charged liposomes was used which can bind negatively charged DNA on its surface. These initial experiments have been used to change the electrical conductance of the nasal membrane. By these approaches a little correction of conductance abnormalities is possible. In the recent studies aerosol inhalers is used to saturate the upper part of the respiratory system. The reversal of the path physiology is possible if the correct form of CFTR gene is expressed. At present, retroviral-mediated gene transfer system is used for gene transfer for gene therapy of CF. Adenovirus is a suitable vector for gene transfer to the airway because it uses humans as a permissive host and it has a natural tropism for the lung .Liposome-mediated DNA transfer system is also used for gene transfer in gene therapy. Liposome is positively charged interact with DNA which is negatively charged and form lipid-coated DNA complex Different positively charged liposomes used to transfer the CFTR including DOTAP, DMRIE and DOTMA-DOPE. Several new treatments are developed to treat the CF. In one case, the sodium-channel inhibitor amiloride is insert to the airways of the patients which inhibit sodium absorption. The other possible approach is to allow to bypass the CFTR chloride channel and regulate other chloride channel present in the membrane of airways. The most effective way to treat the CF is to insert a new and normal copy of CFTR gene into the airway of respiratory tract of CF patients. RECENT ADVANCES: In recent years, various research works have improved the way to diagnose and treat cystic fibrosis. In the year 2006, it was published in the Science daily that certain scientists from Stanford University, USA were able to find out the basic defect causing CF. In which they had concluded that the airway blockage caused in CF was not caused due excessive fluid being reabsorbed within the glands but due to lack of fluid secretion from cystic fibrosis glands. ( In another research work done in the year 2008, certain scientist from USA were able to discover that a particular protein called CFTR were either missing or not present in the lungs of the CF patients which helps in fighting various bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa when inhaled. Further studies are conducted to find the treatment through these proteins. ( In 2010, A team led by Professor Justin Hanes from John Hopkins university had researched on a mucus penetrating biodegradable nanoparticles which would help in delivery wide range of therapeutic molecules from small to various size of macromolecules to reduce the infection of lungs of the CF patients. In another research study done this year 2010, a team of researches were able to find out that a certain calcium- activated chloride channel were able to enable CF mucous cells to secrete normally which is required in the CFTR channel. So, it was concluded that drugs should be produces to enchance the ability of the calcium response which helps in activating the calcium activated chloride channels which are secreted in the CF cells. (
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Life Of Charles Dickens :: essays research papers fc
The Life of Charles Dickens à à à à à Charles Dickens was a nineteenth-century novelist who was and still is very popular. He was born in Landport, a region of Portsmouth, on February 7, 1812 (Kyle 1). à à à à à Charles Dickens was the son of John Dickens and Elizabeth Barrow. John Dickens was a minor government official who worked in the Navy Pay Office. Through his work there, he met Elizabeth and eventually married her. By 1821, when Charles was four months old, John Dickens could no longer afford the rent on his house. John Dickens loved to entertain his friends with drinks and conversation. Throughout his life, he was very short of money and in debt. He often had to borrow money to pay off the debt and borrow more money to pay off the people he borrowed the money from. Later on, John Dickens was transferred again to work in the naval dockyard at Chatman. It was here that Charles Dickens' earliest and clearest memories were formed (Mankowitz 9-14). à à à à à Charles' education included being taught at home by his mother, attending a Dame School at Chatman for a short time, and Wellington Academy in London. He was further educated by reading widely in the British Museum (Huffam). à à à à à In late 1822, John was needed back at the London office, so they had to move to London. This gave Charles opportunities to walk around the town with his father and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the area. This gave him early inspiration that he would use later on in his life when he started to write (Mankowitz 13-14). à à à à à James Lamert, the owner of a boot-blacking factory, saw the conditions that the Dickens family was going through. He offered Charles a job there and he was paid six shillings a week which was reasonable at that time. Soon, he was moved downstairs in the sweatshop-like room. Charles had been working at the factory for less than two weeks when his father was arrested for debt. He was sent to debtors prison where he did work to pay off his debt. John paid for Charles' lodging, but Charles had to pay for his food and everything else with the six shillings he earned every week. The details of London and of prison life were imprinting themselves into Dickens' memory and would one day help him in the novels he wrote. After John was in prison for three months, his mother died leaving him enough money to get out of debtors prison (Mankowitz 20-22). à à à à à Late in Charles' teens, he became a court reporter. This introduced him to journalism, and he also became interested in politics.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Major Problems In California History Essay
The major arguments in the two essays by Cletus E. Daniel and Devra Anne Weber revolved around the harsh working conditions and poor wages that the farm workers were subjected to in California. These injustices prompted reactions from the farm workers through strikes that were organized by their unions and mutual aid societies in a bid to negotiate for better wages and improved standards of living. The essays also highlight the fact that the farm workforce in California comprised majorly of Mexican workers and a minority of Filipino workers. Finally, the essays highlight the unsuccessful nature of the attempts by the farm workers to push for reforms in their working and living standards as well as negotiating for wage increase. However, there also exist some differences between the conclusions of the two essays. According to Devra, the Mexican union headed by the Mexican Consul, Terrazas was able to reach an agreement with the growers concerning the conditions and wages of the Mexican workers. The agreement included a wage payment of between twenty five to thirty five cents per hour and thirteen cents a crate. It also suggested guaranteed access to water to workers furnished by the growers. Devra also records that this agreement was reached without complete support of the union. According to her, the issue of communism was vital in the history of California labor. This comes to light with the agreement of the growers to give protection to their workers against the communist agitators (Weber, 295). Cletus however does not record any instance where such an agreement was reached between union members and growers. He concludes by showing the plight and helplessness suffered by the farm workers following the failure to procure better working conditions and higher wages. Cletus distanced capitalism as the cause of the problems experienced by the farm workers citing that they believed their problems to be as a result of low wages (Daniel, 288). As far as the difference in the conclusions of the two essays is concerned, the question on the accuracy of the California history of labor comes to mind. This is a problem that is brought about by the uniqueness of each author in interpretation of events and occurrences in history. This in the two essays is brought to light by the link created by Devra between the problems the growers were experiencing with the farm workers and communist agitators while Cletus explores this issue from a capitalist perspective and its link to the problems experienced by the farm workers. The Imperial Valley episode reveals a number of issues about labor and unionism in the US. To begin with, it highlights the frustrations of the farm workers in terms of poor working and living conditions as well as low wages which led to the surge in protests and strikes. It is these frustrations that necessitated the participation and formation of unions so as to fight for the rights of the workers following the realization that the only way that they could be heard was only if they acted collectively. Another issue that is revealed is the use of authorities to suppress the unionization attempts of the workers as well as to deny them their rights of assembly and strikes. The growers used city, county, state and federal authorities to quell strikes by the workers. There also was the unfair trial of the leaders of the unions for example the El Centro trial which were meant to intimidate future leaders of the unions. Finally, it appears that it is the communists that were actively involved in the fight for the rights of the farm workers as well as the unionization attempts. This is because it is the communists that came to head the unions and organize strikes against the growers who were capitalists. References Daniel Cletus E. Communist Organizers in the Imperial Valley Weber Devra A. Mexicano Farm workers on Strike
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
An Analysis of Lord of the Flies by William Golding Essay
We were all taught to be civil and do the right thing, but when you get thrown into the wild, some individuals revert to the basic instincts and turn savage. Lord of the flies was written by William Golding. It was published in 1954. The book is about a group of boys that end up on an island and one of the boyââ¬â¢s turn savage and he loses all is basic instincts. I am comparing the novel with the childrenââ¬â¢s movie Madagascar. Both the book and, movie have similarities in character, plot and theme The character jack turned savage shortly after they got on the island. He lost his savagery and his basic instinct of living kicking in. Alex from the movie Madagascar also turned savaged and turned to basic instinct of living for an lion. He started getting his hunting instinct because he didnââ¬â¢t get his daily steaks that were given to him when he was as at the zoo. Jack also turned to hunting to live, he started hunting boars. The plot of both the movie and novel had similarities in both the movie and novel they end up on an island by accident. In a period of time in the movie Madagascar there were two groups, one which wanted to go home, and the other group was fooling around. This is similar to the two groups in the novel. The theme of savagery is shown in both the novel and movie. It is shown in the movie because Alex becomes savage when he doesnââ¬â¢t get his food. He starts seeing others as food and his hunting instincts cut in because he was hungry. This is the same with Jack, he becomes savage and hiss instinct to kill. The movie Madagascar and Lord of the flies both have similarities in the loss of basic instincts of living and savagery. There will always be a loss of common knowledge of being a human being when there is survival involved. There can always be solutions to fix savagery, for example in Madagascar Alexââ¬â¢s craving for food was cured by the penguins making him sushi.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Satire in Great Gatsby (Chapter 5) Essays
Satire in Great Gatsby (Chapter 5) Essays Satire in Great Gatsby (Chapter 5) Paper Satire in Great Gatsby (Chapter 5) Paper In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald satirizes how newly wealthy Americans acted during the 1920ââ¬â¢s through Jay Gatsby. The 1920ââ¬â¢s was nicknamed the ââ¬ËRoaring Twentiesââ¬â¢, and during this time period, many people were much more wealthy and were only interested in big, extravagant things. Jay Gatsby is an example of this. He was born poor, gained his wealth, and now he throws big parties at his mansion to impress hundreds of people. In the beginning of Chapter 5, Nick arrives at West Egg to find Gatsbyââ¬â¢s mansion lighting up the night sky. Nick said to Gatsby, ââ¬Å"Your place looks like the Worldââ¬â¢s Fairâ⬠(81). The significance of Nicks statement shows how Gatsby tries to be ââ¬Å"old moneyâ⬠, when really he is ââ¬Å"new moneyâ⬠. Gatsby tries to show off his wealth by turning on every single light in his mansion, but he lacks the class of those who really are ââ¬Å"old moneyâ⬠. This satirizes how wealthy people were during the 1920s; they were obnoxious and did not have the same class as those who were wealthy before that time period. Another example of this is when Fitzgerald tells the reader what Gatsby is wearing for when Daisy comes over Nickââ¬â¢s house. Fitzgerald wrote, ââ¬Å"Gatsby, in a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and gold-colored tie, hurried inâ⬠(84). Daisy knows Gatsby as a poor man that she used to love, but couldnââ¬â¢t be with because her family didnââ¬â¢t approve. Gatsby still loves Daisy, and he dresses like this because he wants to impress her. Newly wealthy people during the 1920ââ¬â¢s always wore expensive clothing. Gatsby dressing like this just satirizes those people, and shows he truly isnââ¬â¢t ââ¬Å"old moneyâ⬠, no matter how hard he tries to be. Later in the chapter, Gatsby invited Daisy and Nick over to his house because he wants to show off his mansion to Daisy. Gatsby said, ââ¬Å" I want you and Daisy to come over to my houseâ⬠(89). Gatsby brought Daisy to his house, and even though she was impressed with what he has become, even Daisy realized that everything he owned is inelegant, and doesnââ¬â¢t have the same type of possessions that ââ¬Å"old moneyâ⬠people have. This satirizes how people during the 1920ââ¬â¢s tried to show off their flashy possessions, but they donââ¬â¢t truly have as much worth. Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s use of satire of newly wealthy people during the 1920ââ¬â¢s are truly expressed through Gatsbyââ¬â¢s actions and belongings.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Understanding the Italian Present Subjunctive Tense
Understanding the Italian Present Subjunctive Tense Language is fluid, and its usage is constantly changing. A case in point is the subjunctive (il congiuntivo), which in English is rapidly becoming extinct. Phrases like I suggest you go home immediately and Robert wishes that you open the window are not frequently used anymore. In Italian, though, the subjunctive tense is alive and flourishing, both in speaking and writing. Rather than stating facts, it expresses doubt, possibility, uncertainty, or personal feelings. It can also express emotion, desire, or suggestions. Subjunctive Tense Phrases Typical phrases that call for the subjunctive tense include: Credo che... (I believe that...)Suppongo che... (I suppose that...)Immagino che... (I imagine that...)ÃË necessario che... (It is necessary that...)Mi piace che... (Id like that...)Non vale la pena che... (Its not worth it that...)Non suggerisco che... (Im not suggesting that...)Puà ² darsi che... (Its possible that...)Penso che... (I think that...)Non sono certo che... (Im not sure that...)ÃË probabile che... (It is probable that...)Ho limpressione che... (I have the impression that...) Certain verbs such as suggerire (to suggest), sperare (to hope), desiderare (to wish), and insistere (to insist) require use of the subjunctive. The table below provides examples of three regular Italian verbs (one of each class) conjugated in the present subjunctive tense. CONJUGATING ITALIAN VERBS IN THE PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE TENSE PARLARE FREMERE CAPIRE io parli frema capisca tu parli frema capisca lui, lei, Lei parli frema capisca noi parliamo fremiamo capiamo voi parliate fremiate capiate loro, Loro parlino fremano capiscano Conjugating the Present Subjunctive Tense The present subjunctive is the verb form of the Italian language in the phrase generally used to indicate secondary events seen as real or not objectives (Spero che voi siate sinceri) or not relevant. This verb form is combined by adding to the root of the verb endings provided in Italian grammar in the three conjugations. Since the subjunctive must generally after the conjunction that, this is often repeated. As with the conjugation of the present tense, some verbs of the third conjugation - such verbs incoativi - involving the use of the suffix -isc-: che io finisca, che tu finisca, che egli finisca, che noi finiamo, che voi finiate, che essi finiscano. Almost all irregular shapes can be, by way recipe, derived from the first person of the verb in the present tense: I am of the indication vengo can be formed subjunctive - che io venga (che tu venga, che egli venga, che noi veniamo, che voi veniate, che essi vengano); dallindicativo muoio puà ² essere formato il congiuntivo che io muoia (che tu muoia eccetera); dallindicativo faccio puà ² essere formato congiuntivo che io faccia; similmente: che io dica, vada, esca, voglia, possa eccete.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Oliver Button Is a Sissy by Tomie dePaola
'Oliver Button Is a Sissy' by Tomie dePaola Oliver Button Is a Sissy, a childrens picture book written and illustrated by Tomie dePaola, is the story of a boy who stands up to bullies not by fighting, but by staying true to himself. The book is particularly recommendedà for ages 4-8, but it has also been used successfully with upper elementary and middle school kids in conjunction with discussions about bullying. The Story ofà Oliver Button Is a Sissy The story, based on the childhood experiences of Tomie dePaola, is a simple one. Oliver Button doesnââ¬â¢t like sports like the other boys do. He likes to read, draw pictures, dress up in costumes, and sing and dance. Even his father calls him a sissy and tells him to play ball. But Oliver isnââ¬â¢t good at sports and he isnââ¬â¢t interested. His mother tells him he needs to get some exercise, and when Oliver mentions he likes to dance, his parents enroll him in Ms. Leahââ¬â¢s Dancing School. His father says it is, Especially for the exercise. Oliver loves to dance and loves his shiny new tap shoes. However, it hurts his feelings when the other boys make fun of him. One day when he arrives at school, he sees that someone has written on the school wall, Oliver Button Is a sissy. Despite the teasing and bullying, Oliver continues dance lessons. In fact, he increases his practice time in hopes of winning the big talent show. When his teacher encourages the other students to attend and root for Oliver, the boys in his class whisper, Sissy! Although Oliver hopes to win and does not, both of his parents are very proud of his dancing ability. After losing the talent show, Oliver is reluctant to go back to school and be teased and bullied again. Imagine his surprise and delight when he walks into the schoolyard and discovers that someone has crossed out the word sissy on the school wall and added a new word. Now the sign reads, Oliver Button is a star! Author and Illustrator Tomie dePaola Tomie dePaola is known for his childrens picture books and his chapter books. Hes the author and/or illustrator of more than 200 childrens books. These include Patrick, Patron Saint of Irelandà and a number of books, including board books of Mother Goose rhymes, among many others. Book Recommendation Oliver Button Is a Sissy is a wonderful book. Since it was first published in 1979, parents and teachers have shared this picture book with children from four to fourteen. It helps children to get the message that its important for them to do whatââ¬â¢s right for them despite teasing andà bullying. Children also begin to understand how important it is not to bully others for being different. Reading the book to your child is an excellent way to start a conversation about bullying. However, whats best about Oliver Button Is a Sissy is that it is a good story that engages childrens interest. It is well written, with wonderful complementary illustrations. It is highly recommended, particularly for kids ages 4-8, but also for elementary and middle school teachers to include in any discussion of bullies and bullying. (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1979. ISBN: 9780156681407)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Authentic Journey Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Authentic Journey Report - Essay Example The core objective of the report is to present an analysis of my authentic leadership journey from my early childhood to date. The report illustrates on how a good number of leaders fall short in performance in their leadership position. The report also talks about how I developed the basic authentic leader qualities. The research included in this report demonstrated the important of value, self awareness, and motivations as the main models relevant for an authentic leader. The report has also analyzed some of the prevailing leadership theory. Those included in the report are the authentic leader theory and the charismatic leader theory. It has presented some critics in the discussed leadership theory. The report has concluded by analyzing my achievement as an authentic leader. In this section, the report has illustrated on the achievement I have acquired so far as an authentic leader. It has also talked about the shortcomings in my position as an authentic leader. Recommendation of the areas which requires improvement is addressed in the recommendation section. The report has suggested five main means of improving my characteristic as authentic leaders. The five main methods include; demonstration of leadership sight, demonstration of leadership initiative, important of leaders impacts to the subjects, and the need for leadership integrity. Introduction Background Over a few decades ago, there has emerged a new theory in management studies. The theory is labeled authentic leadership. Various authors claim that the principal components of authentic leadership are such as moral perspective, self-awareness and relational transparency. Self-certainty and self-knowledge are significant ingredients to the success of an authentic leader (Shamir and Eilam, 2005). The two attributes improves an individual communication skills which are essential components to an authentic leader. In addition to that, it has been contended that leaders who are authentic are always true to themselves and act according to their beliefs for purposes of achieving a common good (Levy & Bentley 2007). However, the above definition fails to acknowledge the fact that, just like authenticity, truth is a concept that is contestable. Thus, it is important to acknowledge what authentic leadership really means. Authentic leadership is founded on the belief that a confident and resolute stance in an individual action and speech is a crucial indicator of a powerful (strong) leadership. On the contrary, theories revolving around leadership such as self are never recognized as neutral. This is because they are often experienced within the systems of authority. Therefore, authentic leadership is perceived to be an example of a privileged discourse that has its roots from a self-worth belief that is intrinsic in nature. For instance, in the western societies, a variety of leadership are more acknowledged than others. In that case, an individual that is self made is conceived as the epitome of the mighty and successful leader. It is often common to read about a person who had the capability to succeed through absolute wheel power. Nevertheless, each and every single individual needs moral support or motivation from others for purposes of achieving his or her goals. In addition to that, the success of a leader is always weighed depending on how well he or she has attained corporate goals (Arendt 1958). However, since actions are unpredictable in nature, an individual cannot have the
Friday, October 18, 2019
SMEs Entry into China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
SMEs Entry into China - Essay Example This proposal is designed to test the hypothesis that an SME intending to internationalize towards China is expected to acquire certain definite advantages, namely ownership, location, and internationalization.à Dunningââ¬â¢s paradigm holds the chief proposition that any international firm is required to own certain kind of advantage over local firms prior to its engagement in international production (Dunning, 1988). These advantages are namely ownership, locational and internationalization (Dunning, 1988). Accordingly, the theory has been referred to as the OLI-paradigm: Ownership advantages, Location-specific Variables and Internationalization-incentive advantages (Grillet, 2003b).à Ownership Advantages ââ¬â ââ¬Å"The ownership advantages are unique to a foreign firm over its local competitorsâ⬠(Chowdury, 2006). It arises out of its superior technology, management systems, privilege access to finance or raw materials, greater market power, etc. The theory of the ownership advantages reveals that those firms which possess competitive advantages over foreign firms in their domestic markets to sell certain goods or services can move towards internationalization (Grillet, 2003b).à Locational Advantages ââ¬â According to the model, a firm can proceed in foreign production on perceiving its ability to merge mobile intermediate goods from the home country with immobile factor endowments, or other intermediate goods in another country (Grillet, 2003b). Factors supporting one or another country are the location-specific variables, for example, the host country being conducive to local products such as local demand, cheap or well-trained labor, natural resources etc (Grillet, 2003b).à Internationalization Advantages ââ¬â The transfer of a firmââ¬â¢s ownership advantages across borders within its organizational structures is referred to as internationalization (Grillet, 2003b).
Fresh nails Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Fresh nails - Essay Example Germany, during September 2005- October 2005. The purpose of this internship was to experience work, and reflect on and analyze the management structure. This was intended at gaining the ability to integrate and work in teams and to develop interpersonal skills. My job at Fresh Nails Holding was related to product design and development, implementing marketing strategies, improving the corporate website and supporting business expansion. This program was a great learning experience for me. I gained first hand experience of manual work, and learned to comply with organizational rules and regulations. Also, I had an understanding of the requirements of work discipline. Holdings, I shall give an account of the jobs within the company as well as my job, and the company's market performance. The report is an analysis of the company structure and job deployment in relation to my job, and my job performance. It will also deal with the behavioural patterns and an understanding of the aspirations of the labour force. Eager "Sex and the town center" - spectators do not pass "Fresh nails" in Cologne, without looking once by the large disks in the business. The three screens are too enticing, on which Fashion TV runs all day ( Fresh nails was founded by two brothers Heinrich and Cornelius Becker, one 24 years and the other 27 years old in 2004. Their first studio was the Nagel Studio. The brothers discovered a market gap and to fit well into the chain trend, which fulfill the Germany's textile sector with Zara, Mango and H&M. They supply the suitable nails to fashionable dresses. Their Studios are capable of handling the demands of textile giants. Fresh nails claims that: "The atmosphere is modern and freshly, the mechanism standardized, the prices are not high. A manicure does not cost any more than 18 euro."(Fresh Nails Marketing Plan) They have high-flying plans, dream about a Fresh nails chain and are on the best way to install it. They are planning to open another store some where in the middle of 2006, their fourth address in a side street of the K in Duesseldorf. Heinrich and Cornelius discovered that this so called US trend of nail care has a strong
Funding for Military Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Funding for Military Psychology - Essay Example It does not come as a surprise that ââ¬Å"700,000 children in Americaâ⬠have one of their parents ââ¬Å"deployed to a war zoneâ⬠. Being deployed in such a demanding profession requires great physical, mental and psychological strength. The relevance of military psychology becomes clearly expressed, and it transpires that government should provide maximum possible funds in order to support military psychology. The military profession requires the people involved to stay fit and healthy throughout their course of service, so they have to undergo severe training in order to meet the demands of the same. The training given in military comprises basic training, and other high endurance exercises and programs that are formulated with an aim to keep the personnel highly competent and fit in all terms. Along with the physical competence rendered to the troops through training, they acquire other skill sets and important qualities such as courage, tactics, etc. Different types of training need to be provided for the troops, which would make them competent to face ââ¬Å"diverse missions, including counter-terrorism, asymmetric threats, traditional threats, reconstruction, and humanitarian assistance missionsâ⬠. Highly integrated training programs that incorporate a mix of different technologies are being developed in order to prepare the soldiers for the same, and one such training program is ââ¬Å"Live Virtual and Constructive (LVC) trainingâ⬠.... Highly integrated training programs that incorporate a mix of different technologies are being developed in order to prepare the soldiers for the same, and one such training program is ââ¬Å"Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) trainingâ⬠that engages the troops in interactive virtual settings, which replicate real life scenarios (1). Other training programs involve ââ¬Å"Map Exercise (MAPEX), Tactical Engagement Simulation Exercise (TESEX), Command Post Exercise (CPX), Field Training Exercise (FTX),â⬠etc. (ââ¬Å"Basic Standardsâ⬠49). In addition to such diversified programs, the physical training that military personnel have to undergo in order to hone their combat skills are even more tough and require high levels of stamina and mental strength. Therefore, such arduous training is bound to put the troops under excessive stress, which at times they might not be able to cope with. In such cases, not only does the training fail to achieve its purpose; furthermore, it forces the military personnel to lose their sense of psychological balance. As a result, they will be unable to perform well in the warfare phases, thus putting in risk the country and the citizens. In addition to the troops being unfit to face the real world missions and jeopardizing the safety of the ones they were meant to protect, the negative results occurring due to stress caused by training further extend to other phases. For instance, it is known that the government spends a significant amount of funds in order to support such technology. So when it gives rise to negative implications, it transpires that all the ââ¬Å"considerable effort and expenseâ⬠that went behind creating and delivering such ââ¬Å"high quality graphical, audio and haptic sensory stimuliâ⬠has gone to waste (Rizzo et al. 1).
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Rodney has worked for Greengrass Ltd, a firm of seed wholesalers, as Essay
Rodney has worked for Greengrass Ltd, a firm of seed wholesalers, as the company accountant, for fourteen years. On a recent au - Essay Example Still before being dismissed no in depth investigation was conducted into the matter and also Rodney was not provided with any explanation what so ever of how the firm reached the decision. At the same time the CEO refrained from providing Rodney a chance to say anything in his defense, and no compensation was awarded for the sudden dismissal. Compensation can be claimed by Rodney provided the dismissal is proven to be either wrongful or unfair. Although the ACAS cannot be legally and lawfully implemented yet it is a disciplinary guideline for employers to manage their workforce and is given importance during the legal proceedings if a tribunal hears the case (Bell, 2006) Rodneyââ¬â¢s employment termination will be classified as wrongful and unfair by ACAS (ACAS, 2013). The unfair dismissal can be characterized with regards to the band of reasonable responses test and the procedural fairness (Bell, 2006). Rodney can claim a grievance for Supervisory practices (OPEIU, 2013; ACAS, 2 009). He can be compensated for being unfairly dismissed. Green grass ltd. can claim that a contract breach can occur on suspicion of theft and Rodney be dismissed without any sound proof; not holding green grass ltd. liable to remedy Rodneyââ¬â¢s dismissal. ... With Rodney being employed for 14 years the CEO of Green grass ltd. should have provided him with 12 weeks (1 week for every year) worth of notice before dismissing him; as it the maximum period allowed (compactlaw, 2013). But for the assurety of wrongful dismissal the contract will need to be studied. Remedies for Wrongful Dismissal Following remedies can be claimed for wrongful dismissal (compactlaw, 2013): 1. Unpaid wages 2. Money for correct notice 3. Perks 4. Pension loss 5. Commission, bonus payments Unfair Dismissal of Rodney The Dismissal of Rodney will be regarded as unfair by the Government of United Kingdom as the CEO of Green Grass ltd. had no satisfactory reason behind dismissing Rodney and also he did not follow the disciplinary procedures of the company to authenticate the dismissal (Gov, 2013). According to ACAS (2013), the dismissal is ââ¬Ëautomatically unfairââ¬â¢; irrespective even if the employer used a reasonable cause to terminate the employment of Rodney since he had been a full time employee at Green Grass ltd. for the past fourteen years. The employee also needs to be an employee of the same firm for a continuous period of two years to qualify for unfair dismissal (Compactlaw, 2013). The only way the dismissal could have been categorized as fair if the employer would have been able to prove that the decision to dismiss Rodney had been carried out for; misconduct, incapability or being unqualified for the job, redundancy or statutory restrictions on job continuation (ACAS, 2013). The CEO accused Rodney of misconduct in terms of dishonesty and misplacement of monies from the accounts and dismissed him providing no further reason for the dismissal. The unfairness of the dismissal when being judged by a
Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre-Coding Assignment
Advantages and Disadvantages of Pre-Coding - Assignment Example I cannot oppose the fact highlighted by Rousseau that indeed pre-coding is part and parcel of each research. The point is further made clear that pre-coding is a foundation of early planning and maintaining focus on essential parts of the research. I can add that pre-coding enables elimination of unwanted or unnecessary information that can, in turn, be misleading to the researcher and the readers. On the other hand, Rousseau failed to mention the disadvantages of pre-coding, but I think it is because he noted more of its benefits than the drawbacks it will bring in the topic of discussion. I find Donnaââ¬â¢s arguments over the advantages of pre-coding to be very rational. To her, pre-coding is not just an activity, but a skill to be mastered by every researcher if he or she wants to summarize the data and at the same time retain all the vital data. Just like she refers to Pattonââ¬â¢s (2002) suggestion on the process of organizing data, so do I strongly support that four steps are a must. Even though she argues that its disadvantage is that it works well only in a large amount of data, this may be a challenge and an opportunity for the researcher to be keener when handling errors.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Rodney has worked for Greengrass Ltd, a firm of seed wholesalers, as Essay
Rodney has worked for Greengrass Ltd, a firm of seed wholesalers, as the company accountant, for fourteen years. On a recent au - Essay Example Still before being dismissed no in depth investigation was conducted into the matter and also Rodney was not provided with any explanation what so ever of how the firm reached the decision. At the same time the CEO refrained from providing Rodney a chance to say anything in his defense, and no compensation was awarded for the sudden dismissal. Compensation can be claimed by Rodney provided the dismissal is proven to be either wrongful or unfair. Although the ACAS cannot be legally and lawfully implemented yet it is a disciplinary guideline for employers to manage their workforce and is given importance during the legal proceedings if a tribunal hears the case (Bell, 2006) Rodneyââ¬â¢s employment termination will be classified as wrongful and unfair by ACAS (ACAS, 2013). The unfair dismissal can be characterized with regards to the band of reasonable responses test and the procedural fairness (Bell, 2006). Rodney can claim a grievance for Supervisory practices (OPEIU, 2013; ACAS, 2 009). He can be compensated for being unfairly dismissed. Green grass ltd. can claim that a contract breach can occur on suspicion of theft and Rodney be dismissed without any sound proof; not holding green grass ltd. liable to remedy Rodneyââ¬â¢s dismissal. ... With Rodney being employed for 14 years the CEO of Green grass ltd. should have provided him with 12 weeks (1 week for every year) worth of notice before dismissing him; as it the maximum period allowed (compactlaw, 2013). But for the assurety of wrongful dismissal the contract will need to be studied. Remedies for Wrongful Dismissal Following remedies can be claimed for wrongful dismissal (compactlaw, 2013): 1. Unpaid wages 2. Money for correct notice 3. Perks 4. Pension loss 5. Commission, bonus payments Unfair Dismissal of Rodney The Dismissal of Rodney will be regarded as unfair by the Government of United Kingdom as the CEO of Green Grass ltd. had no satisfactory reason behind dismissing Rodney and also he did not follow the disciplinary procedures of the company to authenticate the dismissal (Gov, 2013). According to ACAS (2013), the dismissal is ââ¬Ëautomatically unfairââ¬â¢; irrespective even if the employer used a reasonable cause to terminate the employment of Rodney since he had been a full time employee at Green Grass ltd. for the past fourteen years. The employee also needs to be an employee of the same firm for a continuous period of two years to qualify for unfair dismissal (Compactlaw, 2013). The only way the dismissal could have been categorized as fair if the employer would have been able to prove that the decision to dismiss Rodney had been carried out for; misconduct, incapability or being unqualified for the job, redundancy or statutory restrictions on job continuation (ACAS, 2013). The CEO accused Rodney of misconduct in terms of dishonesty and misplacement of monies from the accounts and dismissed him providing no further reason for the dismissal. The unfairness of the dismissal when being judged by a
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Human character Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Human character - Essay Example Others are Confidence, empathy, persistence, compassion, generosity and tolerance. I apply these in my day-to-day life to become a better student. For example, I am ambitious as I have a desire to excel in my academics, I am courageous as I am not afraid to take on new challenges. I am also, tolerant as I persevere until I achieve my targets, I am compassionate to others in the community, and I am also committed to accomplishing my goals. A vice is an immoral behavior and unlike virtues, vices destroy oneââ¬â¢s character. Examples of vices include pride that makes one think he or she is better than others. Also, anger which makes one to act irrationally and jealousy which makes one to resent others because they possess something that you do not have. These traits render one self-destructive and make it very difficult for one to maintain close relationships with others. However, since we all possess both virtues and vices, it is important to practice self-love as one cannot
Monday, October 14, 2019
Reflective Writing on the meaning of Leadership
Reflective Writing on the meaning of Leadership During the first workshop of PASBD, I was in a way taught by our lecture, that working in a group or a team, every member is an important key to achievements, and having a leader is important to keep the team on track as well as lead the team to achieve goals. Leadership can be seen as a counteractive influence when groups experience difficulties in establishing the conditions necessary for making the best possible choice Dennis Gouran (qtd. in Beebe Masterson 2006). Therefore, a leader always gave me an impression that he or she has to be brilliant with good leadership skills, thinking that if a group is lack of a skillful or brilliant leader, a team would most probably fail. Throughout the semester I came to see the importance of a leader, but not as a dominant to the entire team. I felt that having a vertical leadershipà [1]à is somehow not so appropriate in completing our task as a group in this subject; rather Shared Leadership will be more appropriate used to explain our g roup. Having a leader is crucial to keep the team going, however a team does not restrict to only one leader. According to Pearce Conger (2003) leadership is broadly distributed among a set of individual instead of centralizes in hands of a single individual who acts in the role of a superior, referring this as Shared Leadership Craig Jay, (2003), which is the process of influencing each other in a team, leading each other to achieve a certain goal or achievement, where leadership is carried out by the team as a whole, rather than solely by an individual alone.à [2]à . In our group, I felt that each group member has a very important role to keep the team going, having each with different skill contributing to a team will only keep the team resourceful, and unlock the thinking by bringing in new idea. Benne and Sheats, 1948, (qtd. In Craig Jay, 2003), raised that team members had actually the roles that is as critical as the team leader, where leadership is a reciprocal process. And the roles are divided by Benne and Sheats into two categories, which are Task Roleà [3]à and Socioemotional Rolesà [4]à . In my own opinion, I felt that I am most suitable to be classified as the Socioemotional Roles in a team, where I played most of the role as a group observer or as a follower. I do not enjoy leading a team dominantly, most of the time it will depend on situation where I felt suitable to contribute, usually collecting each group member opinion and idea before deciding on which suggestion is most appropriate to be taken up. Team Role Considering the team role, define as A tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way. Belbins (1993) I would consider myself as a Monitor Evaluator Belbins (1993), being describe as having the characteristic of sober, strategic, discerning, able to sees all options and could judges accurately. A Monitor Evaluator in a team is needed to provide a logical eye, make impartial judgments where required and to weigh up the teams options in a dispassionate wayà [5]à . This stands in a part of my personality, where I often not like to make a judgment without knowing the actual situation. During a group discussion, I usually observe the interaction and the statements of others before I start putting more of my opinions. It is important to have delegated team role in a group, with the different combination of characteristic, the team can only help each other to meet up all the requirements needed to complete the task. Due to the different characteristic of members in a group, it leads to a certain disagreement between members during the completion of the task. However to get job done, members of a group often need some corporation to a certain extent. In my situation I find it sometimes difficult to coordinate with group members who are in the team role of a Shaperà [6]à , where they have the tendency to hurt people feeling on some statement they made, without realizing it. Their actions often speak louder than words, made me feel annoying and difficult to concentrate. Despite the characteristics which I do not like about Shaper, they are actually important in providing drive to ensure that the team kept moving and did not lose focus or momentum, Belbins (1993). On the other hand, I most enjoy te aming with members with the role of Co-coordinatorà ², where they often delegates well, and will seek for advice for other members, allowing each members to feel the respect and involved in to team. According to Beebe Masterson (2006), Not only group members need a mutual concern to unite them, but they also need to feel they belong to a group. Nevertheless, each Team Role has its own contribution; however there are also allowable weakness Belbins (1993), where allowable weaknesses are the downside of the characteristics of the roles, which is allowable due to the strength which goes with it. As for my role as a Monitor Evaluator, I have the weakness of being said to lack of drive and ability to inspire others, and overly critical, Belbin (1993). I often realize this weakness of mine and attempt to change, by trying to say things to keep the discussion in progress. Weakness offers clues to a possible strength, Belbins (1993), knowing my own weaknesses could help to improve more in the future. I believe that by making use of my weakness appropriately, it could transform into strength. Working in Team/Group Working in a group is different from working individually. Working individually allows having flexibility in time management, as I can plan my own schedule to work on the assignment, as well as deciding on something without have to seek discussion or the opinion of other group members. When working in group, one of the major frustration about group work is the time it takes to accomplish task Beebe Masterson (2006). Working in a group, it needs much cooperation from each group members to get things done effectively and efficiently. This includes encouraging the group members to attend the discussion meeting, and ensuring every group member to take on the responsibility to complete their task assigned, If we want a better solution, it is going to take time, patients, and understanding, Beebe Masterson (2006). Because working in a group involves a few individuals, and few individual usually means involving different time to suit, as each has own different daily activities. This will create some difficulties in finding the correct time and place that is convenient for all to hold a discussion meeting. On the other hand, I also find many advantages in working in a group. Having a group of people working together is like pooling of skills and knowledge, and this will to certain extent speed up the researching process and the decision making. Working together with a few person, allows to have discussion on problems and solutions, increasing the probability of picking the error done by another, and could pool different opinion to a problem. There are different types of group according to Beebe Masterson (2006); there are the primary group and secondary group. Primary group members associate with one another to perpetuate the joy of community, to fulfill the basic human needs to be social Beebe Masterson (2006), therefor the conversation is informal. Secondary group is what I would classify as our group, as the secondary groups exist to accomplish task or achieve goal the reason you join secondary group is to get something done Beebe Masterson (2006). Our group is assigned with a take to complete every week, we gather to solve the problem in the task given. Further, our group could also be classifying as the Focus Group, where we have a goal to focus, as well as given a particular topic to follow, Beebe Masterson (2006). In order to get the group working well there are two most important behavior of group member based on Michael Mayer, Beebe Masterson (2006), these behavior encourage members to participate fully in the discussion, especially in analyzing problem, and, offer supportive comments to others, Beebe Masterson (2006). To me, having these behaviors can only our group fully utilize the skills and knowledge we have to achieve the best result possible. However, working in groups, I had come through different types of personalities grouping. Some are in a dominating role, where without seeking permission from others, they tries too in a way give order to people telling them what to do. Trying to get ideas across group members who like to dominate is rather challenging for me, I had experience some hard time convincing on an idea. This experience gives me a lot of practice on my patients, and practicing different way of communicating an idea. Nevertheless, there are also group members who are B locks Progress and some are Social Loafing, Beebe Masterson (2006). Block Progress has an attitude which is often stubborn and disagreeable with no supportive reason. Social Loafing are people who attempt to rely on others to do their job, and hold back on their contribution, Beebe Masterson (2006). These group members will delay the progress of the group, keeping the group from achieving goals. From these, I had realized that to work together effectively, individuals must develop common goals and collective focus rather than pursuing only individual goals Beebe Masterson (2006). To get the work effectively done I will have learn to be a competent group communicator, Beebe Masterson (2006), to always have motivationà [7]à and have the ability to interact appropriately to achieve goal. Communication Having the ability to convey ideas through communication is very important when working in group, as Speech communication gives individual access to the ideas and inner world of other group members, Beebe Masterson (2006). Failure in communication well will cause misunderstanding, leading to conflict or inability to come out with a well done assignment. Problems of communication that I have faced are such as Bypassing and Allness Statement, Beebe Masterson (2006). Bypassing is when, I or my group member is trying to make a statement, we misunderstand the meaning of on a same word, and this had leaded us to produce or work not as required at first. Further is Allness Statement, means that some statement is simple but untrue generalization, Beebe Masterson (2006). Knowing that there are chances that we may misunderstand out group members word, I often like to summarize our discussion at the end of the meeting, to ensure that the message is got through clearly. Throughout the entire course, I found myself in groups are being generally low profile, in the sense where I prefer to monitor the progress of the group discussion and only give opinions when I felt I am needed to, in another words seeking for others to discover that I have something to say. Realizing that a group cannot function without words; communication is the vehicle that allows a group to move towards its goals Beebe Masterson (2006), I have encouraged myself to speak out more during a discussion. At the beginning I was struggling to get points out of my mouth, after few discussions, I had felt more comfortable. In order to be sure of my communication skill I had done a test through the internet, on a website call Test Yourselfà [8]à . The outcome of the test on my communication skill says that I am insightful, where I sometimes have difficulties interpreting other peoples words and actions, and see things from their perspective, although I can generally sense what others are feeling and thinking relatively well. Conflict between group members Conflict, happens when members have disagreement over two or more options that a group can take, Beebe Masterson (2006), and A conflict occurs because people do not understand one another Beebe Masterson (2006). It is something difficult to avoid when involving contact between human, in terms of communication or what so ever. In my situation, while needed to work in a group of five, there are always chances of conflict happening once any members cant get into the same opinion. A group with more than two people will often add complexity and element of uncertainty to the Trans active communication process, and this will affect the outcome Beebe Masterson (2006). I would preferably try my best to avoid conflict when working in my group, as conflict will have negative impact on a group harmony and the outcome of our work, I will keep the group from completing its task, interferes with the quality of the groups decision or productivity, threatens the existence of the group Beebe Maste rson (2006). According to the book of communication in small groups, Beebe Masterson (2006), Communication scholars Gerald Milller and Mark Steinberg had identified three common types of interpersonal conflict; they are the pseudo-conflict, where people misunderstand one another, Simple conflict, where people disagree about issues, and, Ego conflict, when personalities clash, Beebe Masterson (2006). Throughout the entire course, I came through the three types of interpersonal conflict in a different way. These conflict does not happen when our group members first met, it all happen when we begin to know more about each characteristic and working style, then begin the disagreement between each other. The conflict that I found most challenging to deal with is the Ego Conflict, as in the situation when the group members become defensive about their position because they think they are being personally attacked, Beebe Masterson (2006). There are times where the entire progress of the task is being delayed, and other group members are put into pressure, by worrying if the deadline could be met. Fortunately, we managed to overcome these obstacles, meeting the deadline. Dealing with conflict, each individual will have different style in managing it. Even though working in a group, each will manage the conflict in their own way as the feel more comfortable with. I myself manage conflict in a Nonconfrontational Style, one of the three general styles of managing conflict by, Linda Putnam and Charmaine, according to Beebe Masterson (2006). Nonconfrontational Style explains that a person in managing the conflict face by working hard to avoid conflict with others, Beebe Masterson (2006). I do not like to go into argument with others, for any reason; I will feel very uncomfortable to communicate or rather become speechless, when things begin to feel unpleasant. Thus, I would choose to withdraw myself to a certain extent, until the situation become calmer before I start to sort things out by communicating with the group member. Avoiding an immediate attack from another group member may give you time to think of more appropriate response rather than blurti ng out the first thing come to your mind Beebe Masterson (2006). However, in some situation, Avoiding conflict does not make the source of problem go away, it still exist Beebe Masterson (2006). When the conflict became too critical to be left to calm by itself, it cant be avoided by keeping quiet, things would have gotten worst if so. In this, no matter how uncomfortable I am to face the conflict, I still have to stand out to solve the problem, trying not to make things reach the extent where, group members turn into enemies. If others are unlikely to change, then you may have to change yourself, Belbins (1993). Conclusion Going through the entire PASBD course is a whole process of learning, teaching in the lecture, and through experience. From the lecture, I had learned on skills of presentation as well as got more understanding on the topic of PASBD. What I gain from the lecture are actually from the experience of others, and I can only understand it theoretically, if I did not got the true experience I can never have the real feeling of what the theories actually trying to convey. Mr. JJ said something about experience, the meaning is roughly of: experiencing the process is like riding a roller coaster; you will not want others to tell u about it, it is what you need to feel for yourself through your real experience. It is through the experience that I could utilize what I learned, and physically going through the process allowing me to have deeper impression on the leanings. Belbins (1993) had also mentioned something about experience learning, saying that Like competing in the Olympic Games, the g reat thing is to have taken part. Unless people enrol for the event, they cannot win the race. What we do will be what we learn; people equipped themselves for work through working, and through the lessons learned through experience, Beebe Masterson (2006).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Dying Dreams :: essays research papers
Arthur Miller profoundly explores the subject of morality and human values in his two famous plays, Death of a Salesman and All My Sons. Though dealing with a common topic , the works contain major differences that help to make them unique. Death of a Salesman describes the tragedy behind shattered dreams and the effects that they bring on entire families. It focuses greatly on illusions created by individuals and the inability of those individuals to except reality. All My Sons, on the other hand, explores the frightening reality of people's insensitivity and their moral values and the illusions created to cover up the tragic reality. The reality versus illusion theme exhibits the parallelisms and the distinctions between the plays. The subject of human values may be compared through the points of view, the imagery, and the life lessons of the two works. All My Sons denounces immorality more directly then Death of a Salesman. Joe Keller's refusal to stop the shipment of cracked cylinder heads causes the deaths of innocent American soldiers. The grim reality is that he allowed the people who were defending him and fighting next to his sons to die, thus committing the ultimate sin of murder. In All My Sons Joe Keller immensely influences the lives of many outside his family while caring only about his own. By contrast, in Death of a Salesman Willy Lowman commits adultery, a rather minor sin when compared with murder. His influence is limited only to the lives of his wife and sons, while he desires to impact the lives of those outside his family. Arthur Miller emphasizes the destruction of lives more apparently in All My Sons then in Death if a Salesman. However, both plays are linked to events dealing with acquisition of money. The theme of material wealth can often be noticed as the basis for many actions in the two works. Joe Keller commits the terrible act because he fears loosing his business and thus, not being able to provide for his family materially. He willingly chooses money over the lives of the soldiers and over the life of his friend and partner. Similarly, Willy Lowman's every action in life revolves around money and material success. His obsession with acquiring wealth destroys his relationship with Biff and his own sanity and happiness. Willy has an affair only to further himself in his career, only to attract more customers.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Existentialism Essay -- Analysis, Jean-Paul Sartre
In his 1946 essay Existentialism, Jean-Paul Sartre undertakes the task of defending existentialism against what he defines as ââ¬Å"chargesâ⬠(341) brought against it. Sartre begins to outline the ââ¬Å"chargesâ⬠brought against existentialism and further, existentialists. Following the medieval quaestio-form, Sartre begins with the statement of the objection, a short discussion, and then his reply to each. The first of the charges is that of quietism. ââ¬Å"First, it has been charged with inviting people to remain in a kind of desperate quietism because, since no solutions are possible, we should have to consider action in this world as quite impossibleâ⬠(341). Historically, quietism was a Christian philosophy that advocated withdrawal from worldly activities for passive and constant contemplation of God. The Roman Catholic Church officially decreed quietism to be heresy. The Christians then raise the objection that existentialism focuses on the hopelessness of the human situation and as a result, the philosophy leaves little ambition for action. The next of these objections is that of ââ¬Å"â⬠¦dwelling on human degradation, with pointing up everywhere the sordid, shady, and slimy, and neglecting the gracious and beautiful, the bright side of human natureâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (341) As Sartre explains, the objection is essentially that existentialisms focuses on the ââ¬Å"evilâ⬠or dreary side of life. The third charge made against existentialism is that of isolation. ââ¬Å"(FINISH QUOTE)â⬠¦having ignored human solidarity, with considering man as an isolated being.â⬠(341) The objection is that existentialism ignores human solidarity and examines human beings as individuals. The fourth and final charge laid against existentialism is that of arbitrariness. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦we are charged w... ...o pass judgment on others, because thereââ¬â¢s no reason to prefer one configuration to anotherââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (360). ââ¬Å"â⬠¦one can still pass judgment, for, as I have said, one makes a choice in relationship to others. First, one can judge (and this is perhaps not a judgment of value, but logical judgment) that certain choices are based on error and others on truthâ⬠(362). The final ââ¬Å"sub chargeâ⬠is that ââ¬Å"ââ¬Ëeverything is arbitrary in this choosing of yours. You take something from one pocket and pretend youââ¬â¢re putting it into the other.ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (360) Sartre explains, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦if Iââ¬â¢ve discarded God the Father, there has to be someone to invent values,â⬠(365) and that ââ¬Å"â⬠¦to say that we invent values means nothing else but this: life has no meaning a priori. Before you come alive, life is nothing; itââ¬â¢s up to you to give it a meaning and value is nothing else but the meaning that you chooseâ⬠(365).
Friday, October 11, 2019
Intersectionality and assignment Essay
Intersectionality Assignment The definition of intersectionality states that it is the social theory suggesting various socially and culturally constructed categories of discrimination interact on multiple and often simultaneous levels, contributing to systematic social inequality. Intersectionality holds that the classical models of oppression within society, such as those based on race/ethnicity, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, class, or disability do not act independently of one another; instead, these forms of oppression interrelate creating a system of oppression that reflects the ââ¬Å"intersectionâ⬠of multiple forms of discrimination. ( I think the author intended to include intersectionality in the story to show that people have the tendency to categorize others immediately without even getting to know them. As humans we judge others way too much for our own good and we donââ¬â¢t even realize we are doing it majority of the time. I think Morrisonââ¬â¢s main purpose in Recitatif is to make the reader a lot more aware of their stereotypical judgements about different races based on the use of different signs that Twyla and Roberta display as characters throughout the story. By writing with this technique of using hidden signs in the text it makes the reader begin to try to naturally figure out the races of Twyla and Roberta. She also includes things in this story such as their views on intelligence, physical appearance, racial tensions, wealth and social class. I think Morrison hopes to make her readers aware that we are all guilty of using stereotypes that this society has created for us. Itââ¬â¢s just what we have known all our lives. Maybe a learned behavior from our parents, grandparents, or anyone we are around a lot. Everyone, even if they are racist or the most non-racist human being on earth, makes judgments on a ââ¬Å"differentâ⬠person that doesnââ¬â¢t fit into their ââ¬Å"norm â⬠. If I had to take a guess I would say Twyla is black and Roberta is white. One part in the story Roberta says that ââ¬Å"they never washed their hair and they smelled funnyâ⬠,à referring to Twyla. Roberta also said this about Twylaââ¬â¢s mother ââ¬Å"She was big. Bigger than any man and on her chest was the biggest cross Iââ¬â¢d ever seen. I swear it was six inches long each way. And in the crook of her arm was the biggest bible ever made.â⬠This description sounds like a big African American mother because thatââ¬â¢s what you could picture her as. Being Christian, not interested in being friends with Robertaââ¬â¢s mother, and storming away from her gets my mind visualizing that she is the attitude black big momma type of woman. Another thing I decided to look at to help me decide was their names. As the story goes on it gets harder to keep the same the same thought process on whoââ¬â¢s apart of what race because of the different stereotypes and statements that are made by the characters when they continue to cross paths later in life. Also because as an individual you start to realize that you are judging and trying not to. For me that begun a whole new way of thinking and continuously changed my opinion about the reading several times At times Roberta could possibly be the black girl and Twyla could be white. In conclusion, its basically left up to you to decide whoââ¬â¢s what race and its really going to open your eyes to how judgmental you can be and how big of a role these everyday stereotypes really have on your mind, even when it seems that you have no racism or judging in you.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Pro and Cons for Electric Car Essay
The most obvious advantage of electric car batteries is that they donââ¬â¢t produce the pollution associated with internal combustion engines. According to the Electric Vehicle Association of Canada, or EVAC, even EVs recharged from coal-powered electric generators cut carbon emission roughly in half. EVs recharged from cleaner forms of electrical power generation, such as hydropower and nuclear plants, can reduce carbon emissions to less than one percent of those currently produced by internal combustion engines. So, even in the worst case scenario, cars operated by EV batteries are cleaner than gas-powered cars. Another important advantage of battery-powered motors over gas-powered engines is the lower cost of the fuel ââ¬â that is, electricity for EVs and gas for the internal combustion engines. The United States Department of Energy has calculated that a typical EV can run for 43 miles on a dollarââ¬â¢s worth of electricity. Only a substantial drop in the cost of gasoline could give gas-powered cars anywhere near such a low cost per mile. Yet another advantage of these rechargeable batteries is that they recycle well. Almost 100 percent of these batteries can be recycled, which keeps old batteries from becoming a disposal problem. Electric motors have very few moving parts and donââ¬â¢t need fluids such as engine oil, anti-freeze or transmission fluid, so they require relatively little maintenance and are far less likely to leak. Excellent reliability means down time is less likely, too. EVs also run far more quietly than their combustion-powered counterparts which enhances worker health and comfort ââ¬â a smart move in an era of rising medical costs. The major disadvantage of battery-powered cars is the time required to recharge the batteries. With lithium-ion battery technology, a fully charged EV can travel a distance comparable to an internal combustion engine vehicle with a full tank of gas, but it still needs to be placed on a recharger at the end of that time. At present, this means a drained EV will be out of service for several hours before itââ¬â¢s fully recharged. In the future, faster recharging technology may become available, but in the near term, electric cars wonââ¬â¢t be the vehicles of choice for long trips. Another disadvantage of electric car batteries is their weight. Because they need to do more than traditional car batteries, electric car batteries need to be linked together into arrays, or battery packs, to provide additional power. These collections of batteries are heavy. The lithium-ion battery pack in a Tesla Roadster weighs about 1,000 pounds (453. 6 kg). Thatââ¬â¢s a lot of weight to carry and it can greatly reduce the carââ¬â¢s range. However, the designers of the Roadster have offset this battery weight with a light frame and body panels. The entire car only weighs 2,690 pounds (1220. 2 kg) ââ¬â not terribly heavy when you consider that more than a third of that weight is battery. Electric cars are a lot more costly than gasoline powered cars within the same range. The Nissan Leaf clocks in at up to $33,000 and the Volt is estimated at $40,000. Both are outrageous priced for hatchbacks with limited room. What? s more, insurance rates will be estimated to be higher for electric cars than gas powered cars due to the danger of running out of power in a bad spot, its higher cost, and the dangers associated with electricity. Lastly, maintenance costs as a result of new technology and developing skills between mechanics makes electric cars even more of a costly proposition. Electric engines will be forever the gas engine? s ugly cousin, with top speeds maxing out at 70 mph (even less for smaller electric vehicles) which make them a poor bet with highway driving. Out running a car to make a quick lane change is going to be a hard bet. Adding to the aggravation of running out of power on the road, it is very difficult to find plug-in stations when driving an all-electric vehicle. Some parks, stores and rest stops have these charging stations, but the driver must do extensive research to find them. Some stations charge you to use the power source.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Defining Marketing Essay
Marketing is often misunderstood. Ask the average person how they would define marketing and a majority would reply with something along the lines of commercials, ads, brochures, and other items used to market a business. Marketing is complex. It is a process, a practice, and a philosophy. As a process, it moves goods and services from an idea all the way through to the customer. As a practice, it embodies the elements of product, price, place, and promotion. As a philosophy, it is the basis of how customersââ¬â¢ needs and satisfaction are met by the businessââ¬â¢ product or service. According to Perreault, Cannon, and McCarthy (2011), ââ¬Å"marketing is the performance of activities that seek to accomplish an organizationââ¬â¢s objectives by anticipating customer or client needs and directing a flow of need satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or clientâ⬠. In 2007 the American Marketing Association (AMA) completed its periodic review of the definition of marketing. The new definition reflects marketingââ¬â¢s broader role in society as more of an activity, as opposed to a function, with a presence throughout the organization, not just a department. The ââ¬Å"American Marketing Association Marketingpowerâ⬠(2007) definition reads ââ¬Å"marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at largeâ⬠(New Definition of Marketing). Importance of Marketing in Organizational Success Firms face many challenges and such challenges can affect the life span of the organization. Some of the most recognized and profitable businesses struggle to maintain their market share. Marketing is an essential component to ensure prosperity in an organization. Marketing strategies exist to encourage sales to obtain new and maintain current customers. Targeting specific populations is typical in marketing and the targetingà depends on the type of merchandise or service. For example, Coca-Cola soda beverage company is based in the United States and the global society is its target market. That market encompasses everyone. Alternately, Huggies diapers are specifically targeted for new parents and caregivers. Whether the marketing focus is on large or small groups, it is important to understand who the buyers are to create a successful marketing plan. If marketing focuses on customer needs and specific audiences, the product will sell itself. Another reason marketing is important for organizational success, is that marketing is a broad topic. It covers a wide variety of aspects from advertising, promotions, and sales to public relations. Marketing must not be confused with sales as is frequently done. Marketing involves putting products into their market, promoting the product, encouraging sales, and influencing consumer behaviors. Sales are actually the transaction that takes place when the purchase is made by the customer. Strategies in marketing have changed and are constantly changing. Because so many messages are in the face of consumers today it is increasingly difficult to get products and services noticed. That requires marketing professionals to be more creative. A marketing mindset will give companies the competitive edge required to succeed in their industry. Product-focused organizations are destined to fail. Customer-focused marketing plans are the best way to focus financial resources in a firm. Knowing and exceeding customer expectations will build the reputation that will lead repeat customers and greater success. Well-run marketing campaigns will lead to good profits and sustainability. Successes in Marketing Nike is a large, profitable company that has a reputation of success with marketing. Actually, Nike has sometimes been referred to as the ââ¬Å"Goddess of Marketingâ⬠for its growth from humble beginnings to one of the most successful marketing stories in the world of business. Nike uses successful and famous sports figures to endorse their products. Consumers are willing to pay higher prices for items that they view to be superior in quality,à reliability, and style. Brand management is one of Nikeââ¬â¢s greatest strengths. For example, basketball-great Michael Jordanââ¬â¢s success on the basketball court led to hundreds of millions of dollarsââ¬â¢ worth of sales of Nikeââ¬â¢s Air Jordan line of products. Tennis, golf, and soccer are other sports where the Nike brand has made a large impact on fashion, style, and sports equipment. McDonaldââ¬â¢s is another company whose marketing success has made it the worldââ¬â¢s largest food service retailer. It serves millions of customers around the world and has franchises in more than 100 countries. McDonaldââ¬â¢s reaction to consumer trends and expectations is what has risen this empire to the top. The consistency of the restaurantââ¬â¢s product maintains its customer base and meeting social consumer needs by sharing nutritional information and providing healthy menu options continues to grow its customer base as well. Last but certainly not least, Apple is quite possibly the worldââ¬â¢s best marketing company. Steve Chazin, former Apple marketing executive and consumer marketing expert currently maintains a blog and has published and eBook highlighting Appleââ¬â¢s five secrets of marketing to become the worldââ¬â¢s most valuable company. He condensed the secrets from what he learned throughout his 10 years of employment with Apple. Chazin has discovered ways that a company can use consumersââ¬â¢ desire to share their passion for products and essentially sell the products for the organization. To highlight the five secrets from Marketing Apple: 5 Secrets of the Worldââ¬â¢s Best Marketing Machine (2007): ââ¬Å"1. Donââ¬â¢t sell products. People buy what other people have. 2. Never be first to market. Make something good greater. 3. Empower early adopters. Help your customers help you. 4. Make your message memorable. 5. Go one step further. Surprise and delight your customers.â⬠Appleââ¬â¢s company-wide understanding and adoption of its marketing strategy has allowed it to grow into the empire it is today. References American Marketing Association marketingpower. (2007). Retrieved from Chazin, S.M. (2007), Marketing Apple: 5 secrets of the worldââ¬â¢s best marketing machine, Retreived from Perreault, W. D. Jr., Cannon, J. P., & McCarthy, E. J. (2011).Basic marketing: A marketing strategy planning approach (18th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Managing Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Managing Decisions - Essay Example e decisions which are taken on the basis of relevant assumptions which are made after considering for all types of situations and consequences which the organisation can face in future. As per this model there are seven basic steps which are taken while managing decisions. First of all, the main problem should be defined and analysed in order to assess the future situation which the company may face due to the problem. The second step is to identify and analyse all the alternative solutions of the problem. The third step is to analyse all the merits and demerits of the identified alternatives. Once all the alternatives have been assessed the fourth step is to rank all alternative solutions as per their strengths. Ranking helps to identify the optimal alternative solution which can maximise the satisfaction level, thus identification of the optimal solution id the fifth step of this model. Sixth step is to implement the chosen alternative. Once the alternative is implemented follow up s are done to assure that every thing is going as decided, this is the seventh step in normative model (Swansburg and Swansburg, 2002, p.256). Decision tree: The uncertainty aspects of the future events make the decision making more crucial and vital for every organisation. One of the most popular and common quantitative technique which is used to manage decisions regarding uncertain activities is decision tree. Thus decision tree can be defined as the graphical representation of various sequential decisions and the various expected values of those decisions. The decision tree helps to assess each decision as per their sequence in analysing the expected value of the given alternatives. The expected values are the probable value of the outcomes of various activities. These are considered... Center of discussion in this paper is decision making as an important aspect of every business enterprise. The success of the organisation largely depends upon the managerial decisions. Therefore it is very important to efficiently manage the decision making. The whole organisation starting from the recruitment of the human resource, planning for the production and manufacturing of products, planning for the projected business, demand forecasting, planning of the activities to be done in the organisation, budgeting, forecasting of the revenue, target customers, etc are very important for success of the organisation. Therefore, the managerial decisions are very important and have a great impact on the overall performance of the company. If any decisions regarding planning of the organisational activities or the short term targets set for the company are not done efficiently then the company can be severely affected in long run. There are many techniques which help the managers in thei r decision making. Some of the methods are quantitative and some are qualitative. Every method has its pros and cons but at the same time relevant in their own field. Thus the best technique is to combine the various techniques of decision making in other words the management should not depend on one technique of decision making but it should practice a variety of decision making tools which would increase the efficiency of decision making process and will also make the decision process faster and effective.
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