Thursday, December 26, 2019

Patriot Act Essays - 1231 Words

Patriot Act Were dealing with terrorists who operate by highly sophisticated methods and technologies, some of which were not even available when our existing laws were written. The bill before me accounts for the new realities and dangers posed by modern terrorists. It will help law enforcement to identify, dismantle, disrupt, and punish terrorists before they strike, (President George W. Bush at signing of Patriot Act, 2001). The terrorists of today cannot be reasoned with. We must do whatever necessary to ensure that there never will be another September 11th. Since the enactment of the Patriot Act, there have not been any major acts of terrorism committed on U.S. soil. If the Act had been established earlier, perhaps the†¦show more content†¦By establishing these bills, we will save this nation from another September 11th. If we fail to act upon our threats, we will be no different from other oppressed nations. Chief Justice Robert Jackson says, The Constitution is not a suicide pac t. Failing to take strong measures to defend our nation against future attacks would amount to suicide. The U.S.A. Patriot Act is an important part of the nations efforts to fight back to defend freedom and liberty. The ACLU has also influenced Congress to limit the sharing of information obtained through wire-tapping. The Act has removed major barriers between communications of law enforcement, intelligence and national defense communities from talking and coordinating their work, to protecting the American people and national security. Senator John Edwards (D-NC) said about the Patriot Act, We cannot prevail in the battle against terrorism if the right hand of our government has no idea what the left hand is doing. One example of the progress of this law was when a federal grand jury just recently had indicted an individual in Florida, Sami al-Arian, for allegedly being the U.S. leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, one of the worlds most violent terrorist outfits. Palestinian Islamic Jihad is responsible for the murder of over 100 innocent people including a young American, Alisa Flatow, who was killed in a tragic bus bombing incident in the GazaShow MoreRelatedThe Patriot Act1467 Words   |  6 Pagespledged to respond within boundaries set by the Constitution confronting and preventing terrorist attacks. Through Patriot Act, the law enforcement agencies of the Untied States are given the most effective tools to combat terrorists having intentions or plans to attack the nation. It is, in fact, a significant weapon for nation s fight against terror. Major purpose of the Patriot Act is to break wall of regulatory and legal polices existing between the law enforcement agencies and intelligence toRead MoreThe Patriot Act Essay1618 Words   |  7 Pagesterrorist so the U.S government enacted the patriot act, which gave more power to the federal law-enforcement and intelligence gathering in suspected terrorist crimes. The patriot act gives the government power to do whatever they want for â€Å"national security† and take away the civilians civil rights. The government can tap into cell phones and listen in on conversations or even watch what people are searching on the internet. Since the passing of the patriot act racial profiling has grown in the pastRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Patriot Act1260 Words   |  6 Pagesour own government. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the president at the time, George Bush, responded by passing an act. This act is known as the Patriot Act. It allows the government unlimited access to phone records, emails, and text messages without a warrant through National Security Letters and Sneak and Peak Searches. Why do they do this, why was this act passed, they claim it’s for our safety. Both can be obtained and carried out without a judge’s approval, without a warrant, andRead More Patriot Act Essay647 Words   |  3 Pages The â€Å"Patriot Act† nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; In the wake of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Congress sprang into action. Within a month, U.S. lawmakers overwhelmingly approved the USA Patriot Act of 2001, giving law enforcement and intelligence agent’s broader authority to fight terrorists operating in the United States. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Signed into law by the President on October 26, the Patriot Act is designed to fight terrorism on several fronts. First, it givesRead MoreThe Patriot Act Of 2001 Essay1224 Words   |  5 Pagessame, as well as the rest of us that watch in disbelief. The attacks on September 11th 2001 led to something called the Patriot Act. In the days after 9/11 Congress hurried to pass a bill to give law-enforcement agencies the power to fight domestic terrorism. On October 26, President George W. Bush signed three hundred page USA Patriot Act into law ( The USA Patriot Act of 2001 was created to prevent and catch terrorist in the United States and around the world. The contents of it hasRead More The Patriot Act Essay1338 Words   |  6 Pages The Patriot Act. On September 11, 2001 Muslim terrorists instilled with a hatred of the west attacked the United States in a brutal fashion. Planes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center in New York. Over three thousand people were killed and the impregnable nation known as America was know scared and vulnerable. Almost immediately the legislature began drafting an act that would make the war on terror and the fight for homeland security a little easier to fight, this would comeRead More Patriot Act Essay1119 Words   |  5 PagesPatriot Act One of the worst, yet momentous events in U.S history occurred on September 11th, 2001. This event released a flow of patriotic fervor and a permanent fear among all Americans that they had also now become suspect to acts of international terrorists. This led to a lot of changes in the attitudes of the executive and legislative branches in the United States government. They came up almost immediately with new measures, which were supposedly against terrorism or terrorist threatsRead MoreUsa Patriot Act1302 Words   |  6 Pagesthe U.S.A. Patriot Act. The title for this bill is an acronym for the United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA Patriot Act). In the years since the passing of the Patriot Act, there has been much controversy and debate regarding the positive and negative advantages, and consequences of this bill. As a member of the law enforcement community I have experienced firsthand some of the changes the Patriot Act has broughtRead More The Patriot Act Essay1684 Words   |  7 PagesThe Patriot Act After the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 our country underwent a change that has drastically affected the fundamental values that our founding fathers instilled in this country. Since that tragic day in September the aftermath of the attacks has started to implicate our Civil Liberties that in this country we hold so dear. Just 45 days after the September 11 attacks, with virtually no debate, Congress passed the USA Patriot Act on October 5th, 2001. This act expandedRead More The Patriot Act Essay1142 Words   |  5 PagesThe Patriot Act In the wake of September 11, many things happened very quickly. Along with the beginning of a war against terrorism, an act was passed to help prevent future terrorism in the USA. The name of this is the USA Patriot Act. The act legalizes many surveillance techniques that were once prohibited. The act has been passed without debate, and the new privileges given to our government have not been thoroughly examined. The law enforcers of our country are now capable of monitoring

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Terrorism And Its Effects On Economic Refugees - 1826 Words

Since the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001, a world-wide war has been waged against terrorism. For the past fifteen years, countries actively involved in the effort to thwart terrorism, and even unwilling participants, have learned what it takes to fight such an intangible threat. While dissecting terrorists thresh holds, these countries have learned that the war on terrorism carries with it many casualties. One of these casualties is economic refugees. The more significance that is placed by the host country on economic refugees the better their living conditions tend to be; thus, the better the economy will be and the potential for terror attacks will be minimalized. While conducting this literature review it was found that just in the year 2015, 15 million refugees were put into camps in developing countries overseas as cited in a research study from the University of California (Taylor, Filipskib, Allousha, Guptaa, Valdesa, 2016). This study r elates well to another analysis conducted by Nusair (2013) who also concluded that refugees are the majority group of people affected by the war on terrorism. Research and interest in the war on terrorism and economic refugees is expanding exponentially and in this paper it will be reviewed up to the current year. The literature was first divided into two categories of how refugees affected the host country: positive impacts or negative impacts. However, these two categories were not enough toShow MoreRelatedAlcoholism And Drugs : A Bird s Eye View On Socio Demographics1325 Words   |  6 Pagesproblems that are related to drug and substance abuse. These problems can be categorized as economic and social. The author posits that this phenomenal drug usage has brought a lot of devastating effects on the psychological and physical welfare of the people and this has adversely affected the manpower and hence the economic development of Pakistan. 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The rise of groups, such as Al Qaeda and ISIS, caused violence and chaos throughout the Middle East which is seen as a huge antagonist to any sort of peace plan. The ne w plan would give the Palestinians the something they always wanted ever since Israel became a nation, their own nation for themselves to call home. This new peace process brought up by Samer Shehata, involves economics, relocation, distribution of land, and the involvementRead MoreMigration And Its Effects On The Global Economy729 Words   |  3 Pagesmigration, a contribution to economic growth in the host country and the flow of remittances, money the migrants earn working abroad and then sending the earnings back to the family, to the home country. 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Security background and threats of terrorism Since the beginning of a 21st century, an international security environment has been proved to be more volatile, unpredictable, complex and ambiguity with their challenging effects in various ways. Thus, those challenging situations take into particular considerations when combating terrorism throughout the national security strategy. The civil war, sectarian spillovers of crises, state catastrophe in central Africa and the Middle East will likelyRead MoreThe United States And The Middle East1351 Words   |  6 Pagesfor what it s always stood for. The U.S. needs to take in these refugees because the Europeans are taking charge and were not helping at all. The U.S. Can be blamed for the instability in these areas. The Economical effect of refugees is not negative but in fact positive. The Syrians are human and we as a nation should do the right thing. One argument is that the Europeans and other western nations are helping to to take in refugees while we only take in 2,000. America has always been known for takingRead MoreImmigration Policy And The United States1713 Words   |  7 Pageswhat aspects should remain the same. This paper will first discuss what our current policy is, then transition its focus to immigration quotas, border patrol and security, and lastly discussing refugees. In order to reform the immigration policy, we must have an open policy for refugees. We will allow refugees to enter while still maintaining secure background checks and screenings. 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(Kareem Fahim) Unfortunately, these campaigns were met with gunfire, as only a month later the Syrian army engaged in a series of military attacks on its own people—leading to the death of over 1,000 civilians. The Civil War that led to the accumulation of refugees started for a series of

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Social Determinants of

Question: Sociology analyses the social determinants of Health and utilises a number of Concepts and theories in orderto understand health and illness.Draw on two Sociological theories to explain the social determinants of health and discusshow this differs from the medical model. Answer: Introduction The term sociology covers a wide area including human societies, cultures, relationships and bonding. The essay focuses on the key sociological theories and concepts so that the readers can get a clear picture about the topic and can understand the established link between a number of social elements and its impact on the health aspects of humans. Since in the current times a number of factors that exist in the society have an impact on an individual such as social-economic status, family, income, etc, a holistic picture has been presented which is integral to enhance the health and well-being of an individual (Cockerham, 2014). The key sociological school of thoughts has been highlighted in the essay along with the biomedical model since it is a key perspective that concerns the overall biological process that takes place in human beings (Cockerham, 2007). Some of the vital social determinants have been presented that have effect on the health conditions of individuals. The key implications on healthcare professionals have been covered so that most effective techniques relating to health can be used that will help the overall community and society to benefit. Sociology and significance of its perspectives When the sociology approach is adopted in the health domain, the health professionals evaluate the health condition of individuals from a social context and take into account the various social aspects of the patient such as his experiences, beliefs, culture, interactive ability, etc while assessing his situation. This model helps to establish the link between the social life of an individual and his health scenario (Fox, 2016). It is vital to understand the scope of sociology so that its various perspectives can be understood in a simpler manner. The sociology scope includes the study of the interaction, development, model and total behavior of human beings that function at an organized group level. Sociology is not different from other disciplines since there is no single sociological perspective relating to the social reality. It encompasses a number of paradigms that help the knowledge to expand with the passage of time (Germov, 2014). The approaches have been categorised into two types namely social structural approaches and interpretative or subjective approaches. The former model states that the society can be assessed in an objective manner by recognizing and scrutinizing the structure that exists in the society. The latter approach suggests that focus must be given to individual social actors and not the entire behaviour of the society (Germov, 2014). The application of the sociological perspectives is important to study the health and illness aspects of individuals since it combines the acquired knowledge to assess the particular experience relating to the illness and it makes an attempt to have a better grip of the social structuring of the human health and disease state. Two sociological perspectives In the earlier section the two categories of sociological theories have been introduced namely social structural theory and interpretative theory. But it is essential to understand the sub-classification of these schools of thoughts so that it can be applied in the health and illness scenario. The social structural approach includes perspectives namely the functional perspective of health and illness that emphasises on coordination and stability within society. E.g. Health becomes a necessity for smooth functioning of the society, and matrix perspective of health and illness that states that material production is the foundation of all human activities. E.g. The health outcome are influenced by production and economic scenario in communities (Giddens Sutton, 2014). The interpretative approach includes perspectives such as the symbolic interactionist perspective of health and illness that focuses on language and communication of individuals. E.g. A disease diagnosis can act as a label that influences the behaviour of others towards him, the social constructionist perspective of health and illness which states that facts are established through social interaction. E.g. Humans are able to sense their body and other bodily disturbances (Jones, Bradbury Boutillier, 2013). Thus the two key sociological schools of thoughts that have come into existence with the passage of time help to apply the concept to the health system so that a better analysis of the health conditions of individuals can be conducted so that the best possible methods can be used to treat the disease or ailment. Both the objective and subjective realities can be fused together and used so that the ultimate benefit is enjoyed. Biomedical model The biomedical model offers a completely different view relating to the health and disease aspects as compared to the sociological models that have been highlighted in the previous section. The biomedical model of health focuses on an individuals physical aspects, biological agents such as genes, risk factors, etc to determine the cause of an ailment in a human being (Heil, 2014). The disease pattern that is exhibited at the absolute population level is justified and explained entirely on the basis of the reasons that appear on the individual level. It6 is vital to understand that the biomedical model is not incorrect but its focus limits its outlook since it only takes into account the individual agents such as disease vectors, genes, individual persons and their specific behaviour (Kellahear, 1990). The model does not emphasise on the environmental and contextual aspect while analysing health and illness of an individual which plays a significant role in the health situation. Thus it can be stated that this perspective adds value in the clinical practice and research layout but it has major limitations in terms of targeting the social determinants of health. Social determinants of health The social determinants of health approach takes into account the important social elements that come into play and have an impact on the health conditions of individuals. It includes the key elements that are active in the economical, social, political and psychological environment of an individual such as the economic opportunities and resources, living conditions, home and working environment, accessibility to medical care, personal behaviour, etc. (Schofield, 2015). The social determinants of health can be understood from three different perspectives namely domain, level and pathway. Domain refers to the particular area that has an impact on the health and well being of a human being such as education, housing facility, socio-economic condition, food model, etc. Level perspective comprises of the geographical scale of the particular domain that affect health like family, neighbourhood, community, city, etc. Pathway is the mechanism that is adopted by the individuals in the society to interact with the surrounding population at various levels (Van Krieken, 2000). The examples include exposure to hazards or toxins, discriminatory treatment, physical or mental trauma, poor access to proper healthcare services, etc. Key implications for human service practitioners The various schools of thoughts that exist relating to the health aspects highlight the fact that the social environment of an individual has a major role since it has on impact on the overall wellbeing of a person (Schofield, 2015). The environmental surrounding must be taken into consideration so that a holistic picture is presented which highlights the vital elements that have an impact on the health conditions of an individual. Thus the healthcare practitioners must try to analyse the entire situation before examining the health of a patient and trying to determine the exact cause of an ailment. Sine no element functions on its own, it is essential for medical experts to take into account the various external factors that come into play and affect the health of a person (Van Krieken, 2000). This kind of an analysis will help them to identify the root cause of the disease so that the most suitable treatment can be provided to the patients. Thus the approach adopted by health practitioners must focus on the holistic picture so that the health issues can be identified in the best possible manner after considering the various sociological perspectives. This would help to create the most effective and healthy intervention techniques for people (Kellahear, 1990). E.g. Suppose an individual is obese, a number of factors might be the reason for the overweight such as genes, inactive lifestyle, high junk food consumption, alcohol consumption, stress level, etc. Thus if the medical practitioners only focus on the biological factors, they will fail to understand the role of other elements that lead to the obesity of the person. Conclusion The highlighting point of the essay is the social elements that come into play and have an impact on the health conditions and overall well being of an individual. It is vital for healthcare professionals to adopt the social models of health along with the biomedical model so that they can get a clear idea on the health and disease condition of individuals. Since a number of perspectives exist, it is necessary to consider the individual state along with the external environment so that the right examination of a persons can be conducted and accordingly the best treatment can be provided that suits the affected person. The professionals must try to identify the key social determinants of health since they play an active role to influence the overall health and well being of a person. Thus the various schools of thoughts that have come into existence actually have been created with the objective to improve the physical and psychological health of people by focusing on their individual and environmental factors. References Cockerham, W. C. (2014). The sociology of health in the United States: recent theoretical contributions. Ciencia saude coletiva, 19(4), 1031-1039. Cockerham, W.C (2007). Medical Sociology. In Medical Sociology (10th ed) (pp. 1-20). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:Pearson Prentice Hall. Fox, N. J. (2016). Health sociology from post-structuralism to the new materialisms. Health:, 20(1), 62-74. Germov, J (2014). Imagining Health Problems as Social Issues. In J. Germov (Ed.), Second Opinion; An Introduction to Health Sociology, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, pp.5-22 Germov, J (2014). Theorising Health: Major Theoretical Perspectives in Health Sociology. In J. Germov (Ed.), Second Opinion; An Introduction to Health Sociology, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, pp.23-39 Giddens, A., Sutton, P. (2014), Essential Concepts in Sociology, p 4-26, Polity,UK Jones,P., Bradbury, L. Boutillier,S.(2013) Introducing Sociology Second Edition, Polity, pp1-103 Heil,D., (2014) Wellbeing and Wellness In J. Germov (Ed.), Second Opinion; An Introduction to Health Sociology,Melbourne: Oxford University Press, pp.23-39 Kellahear, A. (1990). What is Sociology and why study it? (Chapter One). In A Kellehear (Ed.), Every student's guide to sociology: A quick and plain speaking introduction. South Melbourne: Thomas Nelson Australia. Schofield, T (2015). A Sociological Approach to Health Determinants Cambridge University Press, Australia, pp16-32 and 53-55, Van Krieken R. (2000). What is sociology? In Van Krieken,R., Smith,P ,Habibis,D., McDonald,K, Haralambos,M.,Holborn,M. (2000) Sociology: Themes and Perspectives (pp. 1-35). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W. Pearson Australia. link:

Monday, December 2, 2019

Teaching Methods

Introduction Performing mathematical operations successfully is dependent on the students’ understanding of the relationships between different operations. This paper discusses the relationship between additions and multiplication. It also shows how a good perception of the relationship aids students to understand the operations besides discussing the link between commutative, associative, and distributive properties.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Teaching Methods- Mathematics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Relationship between multiplication and addition operations Multiplication is also termed as repeated addition (Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin Smith, 2012). Good understanding of how to carry out additions can incredibly help students to carry out multiplication successfully and with accuracy. The relationship between the two perhaps explains why addition skills are taught first in the elementary levels (Bassarear, 2008). Examination of this relationship is perhaps well accomplished through consideration of an example. Consider a solution for 3*4. It can also be expressed as 3+3+3+3, which can be interpreted as adding the number on the left of the multiplication operation sign to itself for the number of times shown in the right of the multiplication sign. How understanding the relationship between multiplication and addition helps in understanding of the operations A simpler way of explaining the relationship between multiplication and addition is by considering practical scenarios. For instance, in a class of 10 students, each student may require two books. If a student is asked how many books are required together, in case the student has good addition skills, the easiest approach is to add up the number of books required by each students for 10 times to get 20 as the solution (I.e 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2=20). This operation can be simplified as 2*10=20. The case shows how multiplic ation extends addition concepts through multiplication of groups for total products. The relationship implies that students need to learn how to formulate rather than memorize while attempting to learn multiplication from addition principles. Although this approach is a bit lucid and one that is characterized by many challenges for students with low mathematical skills, it helps to explain the relationship that persists between multiplication and addition thus enabling students to execute multiplication with precision by relating it with addition skills.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Commutative, associative, and distributive properties As a property of numbers, the term commutative is derived from the word commute, which literally means moving around. In mathematics, it means moving numbers around. When this moving is done, the sum or product is not affected by the changes. For ins tance, 2+3=5, the same expression can also be written as 3+2=5. For multiplication, 2*1=2. When the numbers are tuned around, 1*2, the product is the same. Therefore, commutative property holds that the outcome of addition and multiplication remains the same regardless of the order of the digits. Associative property means that numbers in the mathematical operations can be grouped or associated. In case of addition, the solution to 1+2+3 can be accomplished in two ways. The first approach is to add 1 and 2 first and then add 3 to the resulting sum {(1+2) +3}. Alternatively, one can add 2 and 3 first and then add 1 to the sum {1+ (2+3)}. The total sum for these two approaches is 6. Hence, the operation is said to be associative. When a similar concept is applied in multiplication, 1*(2*3) is expressed as (1*2)*3. Distributive property underlines the capacity for a multiplication sign to distribute over addition signs. For instance, 2(5*3) means (2*5) + (2*3). Whenever a mathematical question demands application of the distributive property, it simply means taking multiplication sign across parenthesis (brackets). How commutative, associative, and distributive strategies relate with students’ thinking strategies Some of the thinking strategies used by students include counting by twos, fives, groupings, or by sets of items and adding several equal groups together (Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin Smith, 2012). For the distributive case, 2(3*2) would be interpreted as counting items in groups of twos for 3 times and then groups of the sum two times. In case of associative property, to get the sum of 1+2+3, students can group 6 items in three groups. The first group has 1 item, the second 2 with the third group having 3. Therefore, the order of these groups is not necessary upon applying the concepts of associative and commutative properties.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Teaching Methods- Mathematics specifically for you for onl y $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conceptual errors in mathematics One of the common errors in multiplication and addition would arise from erroneous understanding of the application of the addition and multiplication signs especially when operating on large numbers. For instance, 12+12 may be interpreted as 1+2+1+2. To help in avoiding this error, as an instructional strategy, the concept of grouping needs to be developed in students. Therefore, 12 means a group of 12 items but not two groups with one having one item while the second has two items. Adding 12 to 12 would mean putting twelve items together followed by another group of twelve items with the two groups being separated by some space (representing addition sign) and then counting the two groups. Students who have poor multiplication skills but good addition skills have probabilities of confusing the signs so that 2*3 is interpreted as 2+3. This case may happen particularly when students are to use addition skil ls to formulate a multiplication mathematical question. To mitigate this error, the teaching strategy required is an emphasis on understanding the meaning of different signs. References Bassarear, T. (2008). Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers. New York: Cengage Learning. Reys, R., Lindquist, M., Lambdin, D. Smith, N. (2012). Helping children learn mathematics. Hobokon, NJ: John Wiley Sons. This essay on Teaching Methods- Mathematics was written and submitted by user Asher Sheppard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Comedians Informative Essay

Free Comedians Informative Essay Comedians Arlechinno He is stupid, greedy, quick and limber as physical traits as a result performed acrobatics. He is a servant of a lover. He has a love interest. However, it is always overcome by fear of his master and desire for food. Arlechinno rarely succeeded in pursuing the lover. For instance, he masqueraded as a foreigner in order to woo Doona Lucia. In addition, he has a tactic in that he could interfere or ridicule his competitor to win over a lady. Innamorati They are selfish and self-centered where they perceive themselves as most important persons. In addition, they fall in love with anything that seems related to it. They tend to be overly dramatic in expressing their emotions. Most of the time, they lacked words whenever they met their lovers after being separated for a while. For them to say something, they needed a servant to act as a link. They act in a childlike and immature way. For instance, in the event one fails to get what he needs, he stamps his feet, sulk, and even cry. They complain if things turn out unexpected. II Capitano He is boastful as depicted when he tells people about himself. However, in the presence a woman he remains quiet, arrogant and egocentric individual. Despite being depicted as courageous, he is a coward not suitable to be a captain. For instance, when he observes anything he deems a threat whereby he trembles while squatting, making himself insignificant. In addition, he pretends to have higher status in society than other people. Pantalone He is a rich old man and miserly. He holds the highest social status in the commedia trend. He has employed servants to work for him. He is afraid of losing his money. As a result, he assumes low social status in society. He walks with his purse protecting it from thieves and daughters who could steal his money. II Dottore He is a fake character: usually seen at the end of the play. He is rated highly in the commedia social hierarchy together with other old people like Pantalon and Il Capitanoe. He is a doctor, although there are controversies on whether he has ever gone to school or not. He is able to maintain his high rank in society since he can make a discussion seemingly not knowing the subject of discussion. He speaks in fake Latin continuously. The lower class individuals are amazed by his knowledge and thus maintain his status. Brighella He is a proprietor of a shop in addition to being the boss of Zanni and Arlecchino. He is not wealthy, but better off than the others. He is offered and asked to give advice to Innamorati. He is good at pretending to take up some roles. He can be a servant, magician, fortune teller and this makes him appealing to lower class characters.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why You Shouldnt Handle Mercury

Why You Shouldnt Handle Mercury Its never safe to touch mercury. Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature. Although it has been removed from most thermometers because of safety concerns, you can still find it in thermostats and fluorescent lights. You may have heard older people remark that it used to be common to use liquid mercury in labs and as students, they often poked at it with fingers and pencils. Yes, they lived to tell the tale, but they may also have suffered some small, permanent neurological damage as a result. In its liquid metal form, mercury absorbs instantly into the skin; but it also has an extremely high vapor pressure, so an open container of mercury disperses the metal into the air. It sticks to clothing and is absorbed by hair and nails, so you dont want to poke it with a fingernail or wipe it up with a cloth. Mercury Toxicity Direct contact with elemental (liquid) mercury can cause irritation and chemical burns. Possible immediate effects may include dizziness, vertigo, flu-like symptoms, burning or irritation, pale or clammy skin, irritability, and emotional instability. In addition, exposure to mercury affects the central nervous system, damaging the brain, liver, kidneys, and blood. The element affects reproductive organs and can damage a fetus. Several other symptoms are possible, depending on the route and duration of exposure. Some effects of mercury contact can be immediate, but the effects of mercury exposure also may be delayed. What To Do If You Touch Mercury The best action to do if you touch mercury is to seek immediate medical attention, even if you feel fine and arent experiencing any obvious effects. Quick treatment can remove mercury from your system, preventing some damage. Also, keep in mind mercury exposure can affect your mental state, so dont assume your personal assessment of your health is valid. Its a good idea to contact your local Poison Control (1-800-222-1222) or consult your physician. Mercury First Aid If you do get mercury on your skin, seek medical attention and follow professional advice. Remove contaminated clothing and flush skin with water for 15 minutes to remove as much mercury as possible. If a person exposed to mercury stops breathing, use a bag and mask to give them air, but dont perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, since this contaminates the rescuer, too. How To Clean Up a Mercury Spill Mercury spills are rare but can happen if you break a mercury thermometer, thermostat, or fluorescent bulb. If that happens, youll need to dispose of the mercury and contaminated objects properly. Dont use a vacuum or a broom, since this contaminates the tools and actually spreads the mercury more than if you do  nothing. Dont flush it down the drain or throw it in the trash. Dont wash mercury-contaminated clothing. You can use a stiff sheet of paper to push the mercury droplets together to form a larger drop and then use an eyedropper to suck the one drop up or push it into a jar that you can seal with a lid. If you have them, sulfur or zinc can be sprinkled onto mercury to form an amalgam, binding the mercury into a less reactive form. Call your local health department, municipal waste authority or fire department for information on the proper disposal of the jar and contaminated clothing or carpets in accordance with local, state and federal laws. If you have a larger mercury spill than the drop or two from a thermometer and up to about two tablespoons, open the windows, leave the room, shut the door behind you, and call your local health authority immediately. If the spill is more than about two tablespoons, call the  National Response Center (NRC) hotline at (800) 424-8802 immediately. The NRC hotline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.   Sources Mercury. Fisher Scientific Material Safety Data Sheet, March 16, 2007.McFarland, Robert B., and Haidee Reigel. Chronic Mercury Poisoning from a Single Brief Exposure. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 20.8 (1978): 532–34. Environmental Health Criteria 1: Mercury. International Programme on Chemical Safety. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1976.Mercury: Spills, Disposal and Site Cleanup. Environmental Protection Agency.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Media Realtions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Media Realtions - Assignment Example Contact info Email: Telephone: Toll Free (800) 000-0000 Public Service Announcement Sweet Home Orphanage announces a virtual family adoption program that will begin with an interviewing session for volunteer couples, which will be conducted on May 21, 2013 between 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Hotel Stanford, 43 West 32nd Street, New York, NY 11597. The Agency program will offer a sufficient environment for a healthy upbringing of orphans. It will also improve an emotional between the kids and the adoptive parents. Volunteer couples are invited n this program to fulfill the emotional needs of the orphans. This message is brought to you by the Sweet Home Orphanage Virtual Family Program Campaign. For information send an Email to or make a call to (800) 000-0000. Backgrounder Sweet Home Orphanage is a non-profit organization. Donations received are spent to care for and seek adoptive families for orphaned children in New York. Sweet Home took the i nitial steps in upbringing orphans all over the world New York. We have, until now, housed more than 3,000 of the poorest orphans in our establishment , Sweet Home Orphanage, where they are offered with the highest quality of food, shelter, education and creditable protective care. The U.S. Department of Education normally awards Special Education Scholarships to 200 orphans, for six academic years for private school tuition. From Sweet Home Orphanage’s needs list, well-wishers and philanthropists can choose want they would like to fund for the orphan children in the center. One can, for instance, donate money online and be told precisely where the money has been spent as well as offer frequent updates through the website. Biographies Julie Batten Julia Batten is the Chief Executive Officer, Kent & Melinda Foundation-in that role, she is responsible for fostering a productive relationship between the organization’s trustees and staff. she was the managing director of L ittle Children Adoption Agency in Texas, and the Lyndon Kennedy Foundation in Chicago. Education Batten received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and political science from the University of Washington and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Havard University. In addition, she received a master’s degree in business administration from Havard University. Awards/honors She received the Charities@Work Corporate Excellence Award and- honorary degree (Doctor of Humanity) from the University of Washington. she is a frequent speaker at majority industry conferences she lives in New York with his wife, Michael. She has one son and two daughters. Biographies John Lee John Lee is a psychiatrist in private practice in New York City. He is a specialist in temporary care and orphanage assistance-in that role, he is responsible for fostering a productive relationship between the volunteers’ couples, orphans, and staff. He also lead the Virtual Family P rogram. He also works as medical volunteer with Love Without Boundaries (LWB) and as a medical volunteer with United States Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF). He has also been a psychological advisors to many local and international organizations. Award/honors The Charities and Excellence in the care and service

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

News Production - Audience Imagined and Its Consequences Essay

News Production - Audience Imagined and Its Consequences - Essay Example News today not only reaches the local audience but also global audience. Globalisation has made the world a small place and the effects of an incident in one part of the world are felt in other parts of the world. News production is today a global phenomenon and the process of how the news is gathered and showcased to the audience has undergone a complete transformation. The important aspect of news production is the way the audience are imagined by the journalists or the news companies. Even though, technology has made it possible to have a more interactive news production process, that hasn’t been the case. There are various reasons why the technology hasn’t been used to best effect to improve the overall news production processs. This paper discusses how the audience are imagined in news production and what its consequences are. In order to do so, first how the perception of the audience has changed over the years or stages of the journalism-audience relationship is addressed. News Productions – Imagined Audience There has been a fundamental transformation in the understanding of the audience by journalists. The professional or traditional view of audience is in complete contrast to the modern view of the audience. The advent of the web has increased the responsiveness of the audience to the news and this has now been incorporated into the DNA of news production. The traditional approach was that the desires and wants of the audience were not of much important and the journalists decided what news the audience needed to know. It was the journalists and the management at the news companies that decided what stories that need to be told to the audience. There was very less interaction and also very less the journalists and companies could do to understand their audience. But with this new level of audience responsiveness, which is made possible by the web, the journalists have better tools to understand their audience and their preferences . But the main question remains whether they have used to best effect. This has impacted the way the audience is imagined during the news production. It is claimed that the web has now lead to audience responsiveness in news production which was earlier audience ignorance. That is, the real audience perception was completely ignored in traditional approach. Now the audience responsiveness has bought in a certain reality into how the audience are imagined in news production. But this is most often limited news channels on the internet. The press and the television news channels haven’t completely utilised this. The audience have been imagined differently during different stages in the last century and this century. The professional view in the last century was that the journalists had very little understanding of their audience. As Ettema & Whitney (1994) state that there was an industrial construction of audience. Industrial construction is the way people who create material (for news companies, agencies, etc) think of the people on the receiving end of their material (Turow, 2005). This had serious consequences or implications on the news that the audience would get. Audience would get material that was not contained of the actual facts but was a perception of journalist about the facts. That is, the audience were fed with news that the journalists thought was right. This was the case most of the times. Gans (2004) in his study makes a very

Sunday, November 17, 2019

No Mans Land Essay Example for Free

No Mans Land Essay I tiptoe through the night, scared for even my sweat to make the slightest noise as it drips off my face and onto the ground. I am not thinking of anything at the moment but my survival and how my life will be once I am free of the Soviet grip around my wrists. My heart feels like it is breaking through my ribs and protruding out of my chest with every breath I take as I run faster and faster towards the barrier that has incarcerated me over the years. As I throw myself over the eleven-foot concrete wall with barbed wire at the top, I can hear gunshots all around, and I pray they are not intended for me. I hit the cold, hard ground on the other side, but I am not even close to being safe any time soon. I am in no mans land now. I would be better off asking for someone to shoot me than to make it out of here alive. I have only one chance. At least that is how I imagined it would have been like if I were in trapped in the tribulations of East Berlin trying to escape into the desired West Berlin between 1961 and 1989. However, it is a gray December day in 2004, and if it werent for remains of the Iron Curtain and Checkpoint Charlie, people would not be able to relive that part of history or be reminded of the dictator that destroyed so many lives. The temperature was eight degrees Celsius as the gloomy sky attempted to cough up snow onto Berlin. Before that moment I had only heard of the Berlin Wall through history books and stories. I would sit and listen to travelers tales told by my courageous father who had walked through Checkpoint Charlie and into East Berlin in seventy-five. He told me how he had to exchange West Berlin money into East Berlin money at Checkpoint Charlie before entering East Berlin. Then going back into West Berlin he had to drop it in a rusty tin can at Check Point Charlie because you were not allowed to keep East Berlin money. He witnessed two tourists getting assaulted by the guards for trying to smuggle East Berlin money into West Berlin. My only expectations of Berlin came from the adventures of my dad. I expected Checkpoint Charlie to be a barricade miles long with tollbooths that have the arms that swing up and down. Similar to the tollbooths that run across the freeways of really large cities, or at the airports you go through after short-term parking. Once you pass through the chomping arms of the tollbooths I imagined East Berlin to be scattered with desolate buildings and run down streets. But as I approached the once controlling wall and Checkpoint Charlie I realized nothing was as I imagined it at all. It was like walking down any other street in a big city. A few people who were always pushing their way through the gaps that opened up between the wandering men and women, obviously in more of a hurry than anyone else on the street. Christmas lights clung to the tall buildings that ran down the streets of Berlin. People popped in and out of the busy stores, squeezing their last bit of Christmas shopping in before the Holiday. Suddenly the bustle of people slowed like a murmur in time as I stood right before the Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie which are now surrounded by the commercial buildings of downtown Berlin. My gaze dropped to an engraved brick in the ground that now serves as a commemorative plaque for the Berlin Wall. A chill ran from the tip of my toes all the way to the ends of my hair as I realized how lucky I was to be standing right there in no mans land. I can now speak of the Berlin Wall, not as hearsay from a history book, but as a memory. No mans land, a memorial now, is where 171 people who attempted to escape into West Berlin were shot, and left to bleed to death like a deer on the side of the road. This area contained walls on either side with mines and stern East Berlin guards to make it almost impossible to escape. As I stood in the middle of no mans land facing East Berlin, I looked over my left and my right shoulders only to see black, wooden crosses a little taller than I am. The crosses looked as if snow had only given them the pleasure of its company and nothing else around them, when really it was just white sand covering the ground. I took a deep breath in as if I was trying to swallow it into my memory, making sure to keep it forever. I am motionless. Where the median strip of the road would have been, an American soldiers somber picture was enlarged and hoisted up on a pole staring out towards West Berlin. On the opposite side was a Russian Soldier keeping close watch over East Berlin. Below the soldiers pictures was Checkpoint Charlie. Wilted flowers surrounded this one room shack that once controlled the passage of people from East to West Berlin. Now it also stands as a memorial for people who died crossing over into West Berlin. On either side of me, there were remains of the wall still standing. I got an eerie feeling as I stared at them. My sense of time was completely altered. There I stood at one of the most historical sites imagining what it would have been like to be boxed in by a concrete wall that was suffocating you more and more each day. But when I looked around I was in the middle of one of the largest cities in Germany. It was like time slowed when I was walking through no mans land, but everything else around no mans land and Checkpoint Charlie was full of life. I was in my own little bubble. I walked about a block and returned to the normal noises and the packed sidewalks of what use to be the Soviet controlled East Berlin. My view of Berlin has been altered for the better, with a greater understanding of the saying seeing is believing.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Racial Theme in Faulkner’s Light in August Essay -- Faulkner Light in

Racial Theme in Faulkner’s Light in August One theme that I really noticed was stressed throughout Faulkner’s Light in August was the theme of race. Joe Christmas’ mixed race is a central issue all through the novel. The reader is continually brought back to the fact that he is half black, especially during his affair with Johanna Burden. Johanna (and Faulkner) always makes his racial status known while Johanna and Joe are making love by Johanna’s gasping â€Å"Negro! Negro! Negro!† (260). It is intriguing that while Johanna’s father believed that the white race was cursed by the ‘White Man’s Burden’, the duty to help lift the black race to a higher status, and that blacks would never be on the same level as whites, and yet she lost her virginity to a half-black man. Why would she wait her whole life, devoting herself to virginity to help the black people, and then suddenly give herself up to a man her father failed to believe was worthy? What was it about Joe Christmas t hat made Johanna want to give herself up to him? Was it because he was of mixed race that made him such an attract...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Chapter 4 Of Carter’s Book Essay

Warren Carter’s book offers the necessary understanding of the Christianity’s initial stages. The book’s structure is such that it revolves around seven important events that had a great impact on Christianity in early times. They briefly include the following: the demise of Alexander , comparison between Jesus and Alexander, the translation’ process of scriptures from Hebrew to Greek, the Jerusalem temple rededication that analyses the Maccabean revolt and its contribution to Jewish identity and the occupation of Romans of Judea gives a description of the roman rule in Judea and the Christian’s response on it. The chapter also include: Jesus’s crucifixion as addressed in the fifth event and herein an explanation is given for his crucifixion, the next event is the writing of the texts in the New Testament and the final event is the process of closure of the New Testament Canon. In this book, Carter explores both social and historical contexts. He explores the significance of the happenings during development of Christianity in early times. Even though the book’s content is in an ancient context, that reflections are relevant in today’s times. Chapter 4 discusses the existence of Roman’s power in Judea and the cities around it by Pompey who was the commander and the traitor of Judeans King Herod. It also shows the historical events that Judeans went over during that early time. In chapter 4, it highlights the Roman occupation of Judea and the takeover by Rome as it maintained power. Carter notes that â€Å"when imperial power is asserted, winners and losers will always be there†. The biggest losers in this case were Hasmoneans and Judeans while the winners were Romans, King Herod and his sons Archelaus, Antipas, and Philip. In the chapter, Herod has kept a tight grip of Judea. As a leader, he is quite biased and exercise ruthless power over his subjects regardless of them being Roman or Jewish. His actions were ridiculous as he was willing to commit any crime in order to satisfy his ambition. He would punish and execute anyone objecting his way of ruling even close people such as his wife, children, and his mother in law. Also, he was willing to do whatever is needed to maintain and please his relationship with his Romans bosses because he realized that Rome’s empire had started. On the other hand, he was successful in maintaining a tight grip because of his development projects in Judea. Herod offered excuses for being such a vicious ruler such that Judeans were in constant negotiation with him. The approaches to negotiation were as follows: â€Å"some waited for God’s actions through the Messiah while others found justice in entirely different ways† . There was a mixture of different things that happened in the period, and others sought for independence and a secure future, and some were violent in an endeavor to be more appealing to the Romans. The locals thus had varying evaluation of the rulers with some applauding them and others rebuking them in totality. The Judeans chose different ways in which they negotiated Roman presence and power. According to Carter, these negotiations involved the faith they placed in the Messiah. This was such that they waited for the intervention of the Lord through the Messiah’s sending. In so doing, they were in constant prayer with the hope that everything will change to the better. Others consulted and explored it through different ways that entailed involvement in acts of violence. The Judeans believed that the Messiah would save them from King Herod’s oppressive rule as well as the desecrating Romans. Several approaches have been used in trying to represent opposition and accommodate them in studying the New Testament. This methodology focuses mostly on power of ideological power struggles between imperial and native forces. In the first century CE, chapter 4 discusses how the Roman Empire exercised political authority over Jewish authorities. The mark’s gospel represents a form of resistant literature. This resistant indicates that Jesus ‘portrayal is not an attempt to abolish the whole structure of Empire but replacement to the emperor with the true Lord. This Postcolonial criticism is clear attempts to explore how authors in the ancient tried to negotiate dynamic power as a subjugated group’s members. In this chapter, one is enlightened on the genesis of Christian movement and in so doing helping in the understanding of the New Testament. In this discussion, it lights many historical events that may not briefly showed or discussed in details in Matthewâ€⠄¢s Gospel in the New Testament. In addition, the diversity selection of stories chosen by Carter in the emergence of the New Testament plays a huge role in giving more insights into its development. The factual information provided on the development of Christianity plays a significant role of shading light on the situation of events. The socio-cultural happenings offer a new perspective on the New Testament. The several illustrations in the book and the textual aids play a huge role in making the reader understand the New Testament fully. In the chapters of Carter’s book, both social and historical contexts are well explored. He explores the significance of events in that time to the development of Christianity in early times. Even though the chapter’s content is in an ancient context, the reflections are relevant in today’s times. Warren Carter’s book offers the necessary understanding of the initial stages of Christianity. The book’s structure is to revolve around seven important events that had a great impact on Christianity in early times. This chapter thus plays a tremendous role in further understanding of the New Testament to modern day Christians. The historical happening put things in perspective and assists in the following of the stories revealed in the New Testament. References Carter, Warren. Seven Events that Shaped the New Testament World. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2013. Source document

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Lebron Interview Analysis

With this decision Lebanon composed this essay in o deer to explain himself; to his Miami fans and the rest of the world. Lebanon does not want to be hated in Miami. In Lebanon James' homecoming article he misleads the reader; coming home does not reveal his motives, basketball championships remain the main cause for betray Months after Lebanon James finalized his decision to leave, sports analysts debt dated the true reasons behind his motives. Coming home eases Lebanon decision, but f ails to reveal the entire picture. Lebanon James plays basketball better than any man in the world d, he obviously cares if he plays on a good team or not.Lebanon wouldn't abandon a talented t am for a subpart squad. â€Å"l went to Miami because of Dead and (B. † (Para. 3). Lebanon first moved due to appeal of talented players. Lebanon's second decision mirrors his first m eve. Lebanon will continue to argue that he desires to return home due to his love for Cleveland d, but he's hiding the tr uth. In reality Cleveland homes a championship caliber basketball team. Cleveland future seems promising with young stars like Keri Irving and now Kevin Love. Lebanon realizes this and seizes the opportunity. Going home just adds to the glory of it all.Even Though Lebanon grew up in Ohio, he loved his time away in Miami. â€Å"l will always think of Miami as my second home† (Para. 2). Lebanon loved Miami; leaving sol Ely off being homesick makes no sense. Lebanon stated that he would not move anywhere without a beach in an interview before revealing his final decision. In case you didn't know, the re aren't any beaches in Cleveland. Lebanon decided to leave Miami due to the potential of T he Cavaliers. Lebanon expresses his desire to win an NAB championship once again, especial Ii for Ohio. Lebanon acts modest about The Cavaliers skill in saying â€Å"We're not ready eight now. (Paragraph 8) in attempt to ease the hate from Miami fans. Lebanon attempts t o downsize the team by labeling them young and inexperienced, but he also acknowledges the Eire talent. Doing this allows Lebanon to appeal to both crowds. Despite his best efforts most see through his attempt to mislead. Lebanon acts like his road to success will take years. Lebanon compares his move to Cleveland to his first move made in 2010. He go sees on to say â€Å"I wanton win next year, but I'm realistic. It will be a long process, much 10 anger than it was in 2010. My patience will get tested† (Para. ). Success will come early and will not be short lived.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Digestive System essays

The Digestive System essays Wanna come on a journey through the human digestive system? Join me, Pizza, and Ill tell you everything you need to know about the human digestive system. First, we enter through the mouth. The teeth will tear and grind up the food. The tongue will move the food around then the saliva start to chemically digest the food turning it into a watery mixture that can easily pass into the stomach. Then the food goes down the throat, which is a tube, connecting the mouth to the esophagus, which links also to the stomach. The food is carried along the esophagus by muscular contractions called peristalsis. The food is stores and digested in the stomach, the stomach contains hydrochloric acid and other important enzymes, which chemically break down the food, releasing the nutrients. Muscular contractions move the partially digested food around the stomach. Nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine. The small intestine is divided into three sections. It continues to break down the food and r elease the nutrients into the bloodstream so the can be passed around the body. It has a very large surface due to the villi along its walls that help absorption. Then the liver processes and distributes nutrients. The liver creates bile that is important in chemically breaking down the food in the small intestine. It also processes damaged red blood cells and stores vitamins A and D. When there is no food in the small intestine bile from the liver is sent to the gall bladder where it is stored in a concentrated form to be released when food enters the digestive tract. The pancreas produces pancreatic juice. The pancreas makes enzymes that are released into the small intestine to br4eak down the food. It neutralizes the hydrochloric acid from the stomach, makes the enzyme to stimulate the liver into producing bile and secretes insulin that transports sugar. Feces are stored and expelled by the large intestine. Bacteria in the large intestine act on th...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Top 17 Exposures Needed to Learn New Words

Top 17 Exposures Needed to Learn New Words While technically not a muscle, a students brain benefits from regular daily exercise. Where there are health and fitness  experts who design routines and make recommendations for building specific body muscles using  repetition (reps) in sets, there are U.S. Department of Education experts who recommend the  learning of vocabulary through repetition (reps) or exposure to a word. So, just how many repetitions do these education experts say are necessary?  Research shows the optimum number of repetitions for vocabulary to go into the long-term memory of the brain is 17 repetitions. These 17 repetitions must come in a variety of methods over planned periods of time. The Brain Needs 17  Repetitions   Students process information during the school day into their neural network.  The brains neural networks form, store, and re-form information into long-term memory that can be recalled like files on a computer or tablet. In order for a new vocabulary word to make the journey into the brains long term memory, a student must be exposed to the word in timed intervals; 17  timed intervals to be exact. Teachers need to limit the amount of information presented per unit of time and repeat it cyclically throughout the day. That means students should never be given a long list of vocabulary words for one exposure and then be expected to retain the list for a quiz or test months later.  Instead, a small group of vocabulary words should be introduced or explicitly taught for several minutes at the beginning of a class (first exposure) and then revisited, 25-90 minutes later, at the end of class (second exposure). Homework might constitute the third exposure. In this way, over the course of six days, students can be exposed to a group of words for the optimum number of 17 times. The experts from the U.S. Department of Education  also strongly suggest that teachers  dedicate a portion of the regular classroom lesson to explicit vocabulary instruction. Teachers should also vary this explicit instruction by taking advantage of the way the brain learns, and include multiple instruction strategies that are auditory (hear the words) and visual (see the words). Build Vocabulary Muscles Just like a body workout, a brain workout for vocabulary should not be boring. Doing the same activity over and over will not help the brain develop the necessary new neural connections. Teachers should expose students to the same vocabulary words in a variety of ways: visual, audio, tactile, kinesthetic, graphically, and orally.  The list below of 17 different types of exposures follows the design of the  Six Steps for Effective Vocabulary Instruction, a set of recommendations by education researcher Robert Marzano.  These 17 repeated exposures begin with introductory activities and end with games. 1. Have students start with a sort by having them separate out the words in ways that make sense to them. (Ex: words I know vs. words I dont know or words that are nouns, verbs, or adjectives) 2. Provide students with a description, explanation, or example of the new term. (Note: Having students look up words in dictionaries is not useful for teaching vocabulary. If the vocabulary word list is not associated with or taken from a text, try and provide a context for the word or introduce direct experiences that can give students examples of the term.) 3. Tell a story or show a video that integrates the vocabulary word(s). Have students create their own videos using the word(s) to share with others.   4. Ask students to find or create pictures that explain the word(s). Have students create symbols, graphics or comic strips to represent the word(s).   5. Ask students to restate the description, explanation, or example in their own words. According to Marzano, this is an important repetition that must be included. 6. If applicable, use morphology and highlight the prefixes, suffixes, and root words (decoding) that will help students remember the meaning of the word. 7.  Have students create lists of synonyms and antonyms for the word. (Note: Students can combine #4, #5, #6, #7 into the Frayer model, a  four-square graphic organizer for building student vocabulary.) 8. Offer incomplete analogies for students to complete or allow students to write (or draw) their own analogies. (Ex: Medicine:illness as law:_________). 9. Have students engage in conversation using vocabulary words. Students can be in pairs to share and discuss their definitions  (Think-Pair-Share). This is particularly important for EL students who need to develop speaking and listening skills. 10. Have students create a concept map or  graphic organizer that has students draw an illustration representing vocabulary words to help them think about related concepts and examples. 11. Develop word walls that display vocabulary words in different ways.  Word walls are more effective when they are interactive, with words that can be easily added, removed or rearranged. Use pocket charts, or index cards with peel-and-stick Velcro, or peel-and-stick magnetic strips. 12. Have students use the activities on mobile vocabulary apps: Quizlet; IntelliVocab for SAT, etc. 13.  Cover a wall with paper and have students create  word posters or graffiti  the walls with vocabulary scribbles. 14. Create crossword puzzles or have student design their own crossword puzzles (free software programs available) using vocabulary words. 15. Have students interview a word by  teams as a class or small group activity. Give one team a word and list of interview questions. Have students â€Å"become† the word and write an answer to questions. Without revealing the word, someone acts as the interviewer and asks the questions to guess the word. 16. Organize the activity Kick Me:  Students find answers to blanks on a worksheet by looking at the words that the teacher has put on students’ backs using labels. This encourages movement in the lesson thus increasing student focus, engagement, and retention of information. 17. Have students play games that are adapted for vocabulary words and definitions: Pictionary, Memory, Jeopardy, Charades, $100,000 Pyramid, Bingo.  Games like these help teachers energize students and guide them in the review and use of vocabulary in collaborative and cooperative ways.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Gaming and gambling addiction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Gaming and gambling addiction - Research Paper Example Addicts should be provided with adequate help and treatment to get rid of the disease. However, we first need to define the gaming and gambling addiction? Secondly, roles of public and private organizations as well as individuals to stop and discourage online gaming and gambling should be well defined. Antonius has pointed out the same in his article when he say, â€Å" Studies have consistently demonstrated the existence of a small subgroup of video gamers that is seemingly ‘addicted’ to games. (Antonius et al. 205). Though initially the problem begun to erupt at a manageable scale but later on it expanded to a scale that attracted attentions of policy makers, developers and psychiatrists and there were all out efforts to address the issue. â€Å"This online component in gaming led to the initiation of (private and public) treatment programmers targeting gaming addiction. Consequently, there is increasing focus upon online games when studying video game addiction.â₠¬ . Number of research experts from all around the globe began to explore various aspects of the problem and theories are now established in game addiction. Antonius, while elaborating this talk about Korean and western researchers, â€Å"Researcher report specifically that Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) are the main culprits in cases of online video game addiction.... s where the initial form of this addiction and now multiplayer online games have emerged as the most recent form that need more attention, involvement and time. â€Å"In the 1980s, games such as Centipede, Space Invaders, Pac Man, and Donkey Kong were popularized. These were single-player games against the machine and getting good at the game only meant a high score and improvement of the gamers’ eye-hand coordination. By the 1990s, gaming evolved from single-player games to gaming experiences. Gamers could become immersed in a virtual world that they helped to create. Games such as Doom and Quake were introduced that allowed players to create new rooms, customize their characters, and specify the kinds of weapons used.† (Young, 356). The advancement in the online and offline gaming were very fast and the new richer gaming features attracted the attention of most Internet users. Last two decades have seen an outburst of these games with ever advancing lucid graphics and interactive features. Obviously the grown attention of our adolescents to these trends resulted in decreased attention around their surroundings and academic activities. They may even not watch where they going because their face is buried in a game. They might also lose grip with reality because in the games they can be or do anything they want. â€Å"There are also studies that have claimed that online gaming addiction may be addictive because of self-report accounts of very excessive use of up to 80h a week† (Griffiths et al., 205-216). However, Griffiths has argued that excessive activity and addictive activity are two very different things (although admittedly they do overlap) (Griffiths, 191-197). But according to Antonius, â€Å"the present study contributes to the debate on video game addiction by

Friday, November 1, 2019

W 4 Case Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

W 4 Case Marketing - Essay Example The researcher defined the premise of quality to respondents as a healthcare delivery system that guarantees prompt execution of duty with guaranteed results of recovery (Zawacki, Bell and French, 2005). In the said study, the following data were gathered. From table 2, several decision making points can be drawn on the impact of the affordable health care reform act on the value of health care services. This is because from the results in the figure, it can be noted that for a very long time, service users have had the experience and perception that where there is low cost or affordable health care, the proceeding outcome of service delivery is low quality in terms of the speed at which health service can be received and the guarantee of recovery from sickness. Because access to health care was not a factor in determining quality, service providers will not have much to do with access to healthcare whiles offering affordable health care. But once citizens have complained about the state of health quality in terms of speed and recovery rate, it will be suggested for regulators to adequately check service providers in these two areas of service delivery. In relation to the use of healthcare information system, it would be recommended that new information systems that are focused on speedy and effective service delivery be implemented in various health care facilities. Unlike in the Providian case, it is important to take different approaches that ensures that in every facility with health information system, the focus will be to ensure integrated and coordinated efforts from all internal stakeholders who will work together to ensure speed and

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mental Health Issue Depression and the use of herbacology (counsellors Assignment

Mental Health Issue Depression and the use of herbacology (counsellors role) - Assignment Example Medicating an individual for depression can sometimes get in the way of the individual performing normal, everyday duties. Often times, people report that it takes a few weeks at least to get used to their medication, whether herbal or traditional. The counselor must prepare the client for this prior to allowing him or her to take the medication. Preparation should help the patient know what lies ahead (Reynolds, 2001; Edzard, 2004). Therefore, it is important to prepare the patient for this (Firshein, 1997), and to allow the patient to feel comfortable enough to open up and explain his or her struggle while going through this problem. Effective listening should help to give the patient the support he or she needs to get through this stage. The counselor, therefore, needs to check in on the statement and lend an open ear during this time periods (Beckham, 1995; Forsell, 2007). Talking and more importantly, listening are an integral part of good communication skills. Paying attention, understanding verbal and non-verbal cues, being sensitive, and giving constructive feedback all form part of effective listening. This in turn helps form healthy interpersonal and social relationships. In our busy lives today, we may realize this, but seldom have the time and patience to allow the focus to move from our own selves.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cystic Fibrosis: Molecular Mechanisms and Diagnosis

Cystic Fibrosis: Molecular Mechanisms and Diagnosis Cystic fibrosis is a membrane transport disorder which is commonly affected in the autosomal recessive disease of white populations. It is also identified at birth by a certain condition called meconium ileus which means intestinal obstruction. In the advance stages, clinically it has been diagnosed by sticky viscous secretion of the pancreas and lungs (Gelehrter, 1998). Many years of direct research has failed to recognise the specific gene which is involved in cystic fibrosis (CF), although there are some various indirect research done which has indicated that there appeared an abnormality in the transport of ions during the process of cell membrane development. A very common diagnosis has been used to recognise this disease which is high increase of chloride content in sweat. Children suffering from this disorder develop pancreatic insufficiency which is usually treated with enzyme supplementation, antibiotics and physical treatments which are used to reduce the chest infection. Earlier the survival average is about 25 years. (Gelehrter, 1990). But in a recent study, it has been said that the life expectancy for cystic fibrosis patients has increased over the last 40 years. It has been necessary to identify the respiratory viruses in Cf to make the clinical decision to proceed with the necessary treatment. (cited in Wat, 2008). It is said that one can calculate approximately the frequency of heterozygous carriers would be about 1 in 25 individuals. There are various research works done on cultured cells and animal models to further study on the basic defects of the disease and find a successive treatment. (Hodson, M.E., 1995). HISTORY: From centuries the study and research of Cystic fibrosis has been done. Earlier people started diagnosing this condition in the newborns due to the salty taste in their skin. The survival rate was so low as six months. But as years followed, during the 1930s, a scientist named Guido fanconi had described the symstoms as gastrointestinal symdrone but latter named it as cystic fibrosis. The research had advanced when the cystic fibrosis gene was discovered following the study of mendels law researched by Gregor Mendel. The genetic knowledge on this particular disease was made more improving which indirectly improved the survival ascepts of CF patients. By 1980s, a deeper understanding of human genetics were developed. In 1989, two researchers had isolated the damaged gene in causing CF which was the main cause in affecting the chloride channel function. These were the channels which were helping in the movement of water and salt in the cell walls. Further study on this is making it pos sible to understand and find a treatment for this genetic disease. In recent years, various study via Gene theraphy has been helping various researches to fix the damaged gene. If this particular gene is fixed, the possible prevention, treatment and cure of CF would become a (Giddings,2009) Basic molecular genetics of Cf: In the year 1985, several groups were experimenting on gene therapy by linkage analysis, a linkage was observed on the chromosome 7, which in turn proceeded with testing some of the markers on chromosome 7 where they found CF gene near to these markers (met and J3.11). Techniques like physical mapping showed that the distance between these markers was approximately 1.6 million bp, which is as large for approximately 50 genes. Various interesting research were made in which it was found that a vast majority of chromosomes carrying the Cystic fibrosis mutation were also carrying a particular alleles for XV-2c and KM-19 which was further named as allele for XV-2c and + allele for KM-19. This type of hapotype (-/+) showed approximately in 25% of normal chromosomes, whereas rest showed other different patterns. A term was defined for this type of disease gene associated with a allele with the nearby markers, which was named as Linkage Disequilibrim. This term was made used to understand that these CF mutated genes were being descended from a common ancester. (Gelehrter, 1998) In a recent research, a genetic analysis was conducted by carefully cloning of a 500,000 bp candidate which resulted in three possible genes from the specific region which was studied. In testing under northern blotting technique it was found that this specific gene was coding for a 1480- amino acid protein including 26 exons with a length of 250,000 bp of DNA and the mRNA transcript was found to be 6129 bp long. In further studying a cloned and sequenced cDNA was prepared using the sweat glands of a Cf patient, it was found that there was a difference in exon 10 from a normal sequenced gene. There was a deletion in the 3 -bp found which might have caused the deletion of a single amino acid (phenylalanine) at the specificresidue 508. (Gelehrter, 1990). This type of mutation is known as Delta F508 or F508. Patients with homologous delta F508 mutation will tend to suffer with severe symptons of this disease, causing a very heavy loss of chloride ion transport.This causes an improper balance in the sodium and chloride ion ratio, eventually secreting a thin, mucus secretion in the lung area which traps bacteria, this causes severe lung infection, resulting a high mortality rate in CF patients. CFTR gene: This gene was initially cloned in 1989 in which it was mapped to human chromosome 7q21, with more interest in this particular region, researches were able to indentify 2 more closely linked markers other than (labelled MET and D758) which were D75122 and D75340, those were 10 kb part. Using lambda genomic DNA libraries, 280 kb of DNA were sequenced which were used to make long range restriction maps. These were also probed with cDNA clones to isolate a total of 500 kb. This can be seen in the figure By using various approaches like screening zoo blots, northern blots and cDNA libraries the genomic DNA clone was isolated. Four different regions were isolated, out of that, only one proved to be CF gene which was 6.5 kb sequence in length. Eventually, it was concluded that the CF gene controls the CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator) which encodes chloride channels which were responsible for the water transport on the plasma membrane of the epithelial cells which were connected to the lung airways. This mutation was causing the problem. Structure of the CFTR gene: After sequencing the CFTR gene, further study was done on it. The sequenced coding region of this gene showed a polypeptide molecular mass of 168138 daltons. The best site seen in this predicted protein was that it showed two repeated motifs, which showed some similarities to the nucleotide-binding domains (NBD) which is present in the membrane bounded protein. These membrane consisted in them six hydrophobic regions which composed 234 amino acids. Hydrophilic domains: These 2 hydrophilic domains contains approximately 150 amino acids in which some phenylalanine residue has been deleted at the region of the first NBD which shares similar homologies with the proteins which binds with the nucleotide. These two motifs are connected by a highly charged cytoplasmic domains referred as R- domain or regulatory domains. This domains encodes 13 exons that help in the phosphorylationby protein kinase K and rest helps in binding sites by protein kinase C. These domains and nucleotide binding folds in the binding sites suggest that hydrolysis is involved in the transportation of CFTR gene. CFTR Promoter: It was found out that CFTR gene had a addition promoter region with a size of 3.5 kb, later on, it led that these promoters showed the characteristics of housekeeping gene along with tissue specific functions. There were five reasons that were focused to show that the CFTR gene had these charactertics which were as follows: There were no TATA box element within the first 500 basepairs of the transcription sites. The GC content in the promoter region was high. There were addition multiple minor transcription sites identified along with the major transcription sites. Couple of SP1 sites were also identified. There was a very low expression of the CFTR gene found in the epithelium layer. Another conclusion was made that the CFTR gene might control transcription regulation. (prin mg, tho) Phenotypic function of the diseased gene: To understand the phenotype of the disease, it has been confirmed that an individual suffering must have two copies of a mutated Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene to be expressed. It has also been understood that the development of this disease in different individuals varies due to differential influence by environmental and genetic factors. This various different forms of other genes can affect the phenotypes of the mutated gene of this disease.   MUTATED GENE: As it been understood that the most common mutated gene found in most cystic fibrosis defective gene is the delta F508. A detailed study about this gene was done in which it was found that CFTR protein helps in encoding single amino acid at position 508 on the chromosome 7. As this mutation affects the CFTR to perform its work in the cell and prevents it from locating itself in the cell membrane. Usually it is seen that, a newly synthesized CFTR protein adds itself to the missing chemical group by folding itself into appropriate shape which are escorted by their specific molecular chaperons to the surface of the cell. Because of the presence of this mutated CFTR gene, the imperfect CFTR binds onto the cell membrane which has a defect while opening and closing during regulating the chloride ion flow within the cell membrane. There are different mutated genes, in which some do not this synthesis or any modification or integratation into the membrane of the cell. Sometimes, these mutated genes fail to even respond to the signals within the cell that are responsible for the opening and closing of chloride flow. In some cases, the CFTR protein enters the cell membrane and also responds to the cell membrane but there would show a problem when the channel opens and there is improper flow of chloride ion out of the cell. Different mutations vary with different patients, patients with absent or very low CFTR protein in its cell membrane would cause severe disease causing depleting pancreatic functions. There are patients which have delta F508 mutation on both CFTR gene copies, this causes very poor pancreatic function which would secret high amount of mucus causing varying degrees of infection in the lungs. Another CFTR mutation namely R117H also develops a partial functioning CFTR protein, this mutation pairs w ith the severe mutated gene delta F508 causing the CF disease severe but varying in lung disease. It has been seen that some men who have been detected with this particular mutated gene R117H shows only one symptom of CF that is being Infertile which is due to lack of vas deferens. Inheritence of the CF gene: Diagnosing cystic fibrosis In most cases, cystic fibrosis is diagnosed by screening tests, which are carried out very early in life. However, some babies, children and even young adults have some unexplained illness in future so they are diagnosed later. There are four main ways of diagnosing cystic fibrosis: newborn testing antenatal testing carrier testing sweat testing Newborn Screening: In newborn screening there are two tests the first one is blood test in which small amount of blood is taken from the babys heel and transferred onto the card and it is examined in the laboratory for CF and it is also test inherited conditions, such as sickle cell anaemia and phenylketonuria.. Another test is genetic test in which saliva sample taken from the cheek and check whether a newborn has faulty CFTR genes. Antenatal testing: This test is done during the womens pregnancy to know that fatus has CF or not. There are following Amniocentesis: in it inserts a needle through abdominal wall into the uterus and take amniotic fluid surrounds the baby and tested in the laboratory Chorionic villus sampling: In it needle passed through the stomach into the womb sometimes a fine tube passed through the vagina into the neck of the uterus as an alternative. And take chorionic tissue which is a tiny piece of the developing placenta and these chromosomes which are in the cells of the tissue are examined in the laboratory for CFTR genes are normal or not. Both tests have risk of complication and also chance for miscarriage so it is offered only those mothers who have high risk of having child with the CF. Carrier testing: People who have two CFTR genes one is normal and another is faulty are CF carriers. So carriers pass faulty CFTR genes on to their children. This is simple test which is uses mouthwash to make sure that person is a carrier of cystic fibrosis. Swishing the mouthwash to collect the cells. And these containing cells are checked for the faulty gene. Sweat test: If blood and genetic tests have positive sign for CF so for confirmation sweat test diagnosis using This test measure the amount of salt in sweat. For that in one treatment room small area of skin on an arm or leg tested. Rub this skin with sweat producing chemical and then produce gentle electrical current with help of electrode it gives warm feeling .collect sweat on a pad or paper for analze. High levels of salt confirm diagnosis of CF. (180,205) Immunoreactive Trypsinogn: This analysis is used after sweat test if little sweat measured in newborns. Blood samples are taken after 2-3 days of birth and examined for immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) which is the increased levels of pancreatic enzyme. If IRT level is high then also it is not strong indicator of CF. Because infants with intestinal malformations and condition as bowel obstruction also have high level of enzyme which is for function of impair pancreatic. Lung X-rays and function tests: In the tests measure the amount of air the lungs can hold and how fast a person can breathe out to show how lungs add oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood with the help of chest X-ray which show lung scarring from recurrent inflammation.This test do not confirm a diagnosis of CF but help in evaluating the severity of an individuals lung damage. Sinus X-ray: This test give signs of sinusitis, which indicates an infection and inflammation of nasal cavities. The X-ray shows the underlying cause becomes important for sinusitis. By cause of sinusitis is showing allergies and poorly functioning immune system. DNA mutation analysis: For highly specific result we used this technique for CF to look for the presence of many mutations in the CFTR gene. In it DNA isolated and purified from the blood sample or from a smear inside the cheek and for detect disease genes and indentify mutation within a specific DNA sequenced used micro array technology Sputum cultures: For this test, take a sample of your sputum (spit) to see what bacteria are growing in it. If there are bacteria called mucoid Pseudomonas, then it is advanced CF that needs aggressive treatment. (Giddings, 2009) TREATMENT In early years, there were no proper complete cure for cystic fibrosis . This has changed in recent years due to various researches done to treat CF which have been improved drastically. The aim for the treatment of cystic fibrosis are to Prevent infection in lungs,Remove the thick and sticky mucus from lungs, Prevent blockages in intestines and to Provide adequate nutrition.(http://www.nhlbi.nihHYPERLINK Treatment for lung problems: It is essential to begin the treatment by reducing the infection and removing the thick and sticky mucus from the lungs. This can be done by performing the following lung treatment methods. CHEST PHYSICAL THERAPHY (CPT): This theraphy is also called percussion. CPT include pounding the chest and back over and over with the hands and a device that reduce the mucus layer from the lungs. Breathing techniques are also helpful to remove mucus from lungs. This techniques involve forcing out of some short or deeper breaths and following with a relaxed breath. The major purpose of this therapy for CF is to increase clearance of mucus and control infection in the lung and also to provide adequate nutrition and prevent intestinal blockage. MEDICINES: This is the primary treatment for the cystic fibrosis. Using medicines it helps in treating lung infection, decreases the swelling ,reduces the mucus and also opens the airways. The following types are the antibiotics used for cystic fibrosis treatment: Oral antibiotics are use to treat the lung infection. Inhaled antibiotics are used to control the infection caused by the pseudomonas bacteria. Intravenous medicines are used for control the severe infection. Anti-inflammatory medicines used to reduce swelling in airways. Drugs or steroids such as azithromycin, ibuprofen, prednisone and pentoxifylline are used to reduce inflammation. For the treatment of bacterial infection various lung antibiotics such as nebcin, tobrex, ciprofloxin, myambutol, biaxin, azactam are used Exercise: Aerobic exercise can help to reduce and clear the mucus from the airways. Regular exercise also enables to cut back on the CPT. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection is used to provide fertility for men with cystic fibrosis LUNG TRANSPLANTATION: Lung transplantion is a effective therapeutic option for the cystic-fibrosis patient. The successfully lung transplanted patients are able to control diabetic problems easily as the patients exercise capacity improves and the respiratory infection reduces.(Madden, 1992). In lung transplant ,the infected lung is replaced with a healthy lung by surgery. If CF is very advanced then lung transplantion is a good option. It is a major operation and sometimes also leads to some serious complications Oxygen Therapy: If oxygen level is very low in the blood then oxygen therapy is very effective( NUTRITIONAL TREATMENT: C.F causes many digestive problems such as slow growth, pain, intestinal gas and severe. Nutritional treatment can improve the growth, development and strength of patient. It involves a balanced diet with low fat and high protein which make strong the patient to resist aganist some infection ( It contain pancreatic enzymes to digest protein and fat and absorbance of various vitamins. Nutriational therapy also contain supplements of different vitamins. The other treatment for digestive problems is medications for the treatment of intestinal blockages ( GENE THERAPY: Gene therapy involve transfer of DNA for therapeutic purpose. For the treatment of cystic fibrosis two approaches have been used. In the first approach, adenovirus was used as a vector, it has the epithelial cell lining. In this approach, adenovirus type-2 late promoter drives the CFTR gene. In the second approach, positively charged liposomes was used which can bind negatively charged DNA on its surface. These initial experiments have been used to change the electrical conductance of the nasal membrane. By these approaches a little correction of conductance abnormalities is possible. In the recent studies aerosol inhalers is used to saturate the upper part of the respiratory system. The reversal of the path physiology is possible if the correct form of CFTR gene is expressed. At present, retroviral-mediated gene transfer system is used for gene transfer for gene therapy of CF. Adenovirus is a suitable vector for gene transfer to the airway because it uses humans as a permissive host and it has a natural tropism for the lung .Liposome-mediated DNA transfer system is also used for gene transfer in gene therapy. Liposome is positively charged interact with DNA which is negatively charged and form lipid-coated DNA complex Different positively charged liposomes used to transfer the CFTR including DOTAP, DMRIE and DOTMA-DOPE. Several new treatments are developed to treat the CF. In one case, the sodium-channel inhibitor amiloride is insert to the airways of the patients which inhibit sodium absorption. The other possible approach is to allow to bypass the CFTR chloride channel and regulate other chloride channel present in the membrane of airways. The most effective way to treat the CF is to insert a new and normal copy of CFTR gene into the airway of respiratory tract of CF patients. RECENT ADVANCES: In recent years, various research works have improved the way to diagnose and treat cystic fibrosis. In the year 2006, it was published in the Science daily that certain scientists from Stanford University, USA were able to find out the basic defect causing CF. In which they had concluded that the airway blockage caused in CF was not caused due excessive fluid being reabsorbed within the glands but due to lack of fluid secretion from cystic fibrosis glands. ( In another research work done in the year 2008, certain scientist from USA were able to discover that a particular protein called CFTR were either missing or not present in the lungs of the CF patients which helps in fighting various bacteria like Pseudomonas aeruginosa when inhaled. Further studies are conducted to find the treatment through these proteins. ( In 2010, A team led by Professor Justin Hanes from John Hopkins university had researched on a mucus penetrating biodegradable nanoparticles which would help in delivery wide range of therapeutic molecules from small to various size of macromolecules to reduce the infection of lungs of the CF patients. In another research study done this year 2010, a team of researches were able to find out that a certain calcium- activated chloride channel were able to enable CF mucous cells to secrete normally which is required in the CFTR channel. So, it was concluded that drugs should be produces to enchance the ability of the calcium response which helps in activating the calcium activated chloride channels which are secreted in the CF cells. (